Kick the baby...!
So we celebrated my birthday.

Just because Dennis took the pic, here's a special one for you...

(I won... ;-)
Charlotte was there! (:

And yes, there was OREO cake!!! :D

(I made it...)
And Jell-O shots!

(Yea, I made them too!)
Then today Acke and I went into the city to meet up Sofia, Oscar and Kicki.

Slapped up some Schubb stickers...

I dared Acke to...
Then we saw a rainbow!

So much more to say. Don't know where to start.
It's been a good two days. It's been a really good day.
I love my Stockholm. (:
But hey, sometimes you just miss some toiletpaper...

Just because Dennis took the pic, here's a special one for you...

(I won... ;-)
Charlotte was there! (:

And yes, there was OREO cake!!! :D

(I made it...)
And Jell-O shots!

(Yea, I made them too!)
Then today Acke and I went into the city to meet up Sofia, Oscar and Kicki.

Slapped up some Schubb stickers...

I dared Acke to...

Then we saw a rainbow!

So much more to say. Don't know where to start.
It's been a good two days. It's been a really good day.
I love my Stockholm. (:
But hey, sometimes you just miss some toiletpaper...
Vi glider, i sommar tider.
Med alla våra vänner och alla som vi känner.
Med en glass i hand sitter vi på en solig sandstrand!
Inge mera dystert skitsnack, inga intriger -
Vi glider.
So there you go. One step closer to death (30) but perfectly llegal all over the world.
And yes, I smoke another cigarette hoping I'll still look 20 when I'm 40.
Whatever. I couldn't care less. I just hope I'll make it 'till tomorrow.
There's nothing like taking life for granted. It'll come to bite your ass. Trust me.
This weekend's gonna be good. I can feel it!
Miss the boys though. Thanks for the phonecall Bams. Made my day. <3
I cuddled with the cookie monster because I'm good in bed.
month you were born
1 - I ate
2 - I needed
3 - I ran naked with
4 - I smoked with
5 - I called
6 - I danced with
7 - I cuddled with
8 - I licked
9 - I shot
10 - I kissed
11 - I built a sandcastle with
12 - I ran away with
the date you were born
01 - my lover
02 - a dog
03 - a teletubby
04 - super mario
05 - spongebob
06 - a toothbrush
07 - my boyfriend
08 - a glass of milk
09 - a pornstar
10 - Paris hilton
11 - santa clause
12 - a hottie
13 - a baby
14 - a drink
15 - a horse
16 - a shemale
17 - a rockstar
18 - a stripper
19 - a condom
20 - a crackhead
21 - a homeless guy
22 - my girlfriend
23 - the cookie monster
24 - an easter egg
25 - a bowl of cereal
26 - a golf ball
27 - a bag of weed
28 - your boss
29 - your mom
30 - a mop
31 - an oreo
color of shirt you are wearing
White - because that bitch stole my taco.
Black - because I'm sexy like that.
Pink - because I'm good in bed.
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs.
Blue - because I had to.
Polka Dots - because I hate my life.
Purple - because I'm gay.
Gray - because I love marijuana.
Green - because I take magic pills.
Yellow - because I'm leaving the country.
Orange - because that bitch called me fat.
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose.
Brown - because I'm a pimp.
Other - because I'm desperate.
Shirtless - because I've got abs.
1 - I ate
2 - I needed
3 - I ran naked with
4 - I smoked with
5 - I called
6 - I danced with
7 - I cuddled with
8 - I licked
9 - I shot
10 - I kissed
11 - I built a sandcastle with
12 - I ran away with
the date you were born
01 - my lover
02 - a dog
03 - a teletubby
04 - super mario
05 - spongebob
06 - a toothbrush
07 - my boyfriend
08 - a glass of milk
09 - a pornstar
10 - Paris hilton
11 - santa clause
12 - a hottie
13 - a baby
14 - a drink
15 - a horse
16 - a shemale
17 - a rockstar
18 - a stripper
19 - a condom
20 - a crackhead
21 - a homeless guy
22 - my girlfriend
23 - the cookie monster
24 - an easter egg
25 - a bowl of cereal
26 - a golf ball
27 - a bag of weed
28 - your boss
29 - your mom
30 - a mop
31 - an oreo
color of shirt you are wearing
White - because that bitch stole my taco.
Black - because I'm sexy like that.
Pink - because I'm good in bed.
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs.
Blue - because I had to.
Polka Dots - because I hate my life.
Purple - because I'm gay.
Gray - because I love marijuana.
Green - because I take magic pills.
Yellow - because I'm leaving the country.
Orange - because that bitch called me fat.
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose.
Brown - because I'm a pimp.
Other - because I'm desperate.
Shirtless - because I've got abs.
Tim McGraw
Where do you go when you're lonely?
Where do you go when you're blue?
Where do you go when you're lonely?
I'll follow you.
When the stars go blue...
"Weeds" marathon on channel 3. I'm on episode 6 now eventhough I swore to myself I'd be in bed by episode 3 the most. Tonight's a great night. Just hanging out with myself. This whole day has been pretty awsome actually, come to think of it. And yesterday. Yesterday was just a memory all on it's own.
Oh wow, do I ever love this beautiful Stockholm, and how I'll miss it when I'm gone.
Turning 21 soon... One week to go. Pretty scary. 9 years left to 30.
Dancing when the stars go blue.
Where do you go when you're blue?
Where do you go when you're lonely?
I'll follow you.
When the stars go blue...
"Weeds" marathon on channel 3. I'm on episode 6 now eventhough I swore to myself I'd be in bed by episode 3 the most. Tonight's a great night. Just hanging out with myself. This whole day has been pretty awsome actually, come to think of it. And yesterday. Yesterday was just a memory all on it's own.
Oh wow, do I ever love this beautiful Stockholm, and how I'll miss it when I'm gone.
Turning 21 soon... One week to go. Pretty scary. 9 years left to 30.
Dancing when the stars go blue.
It was just a passing time.
I'm not confused. I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm limping.
It's okay that our summernights are going darker with about 4 minutes a day.
Soon we'll be able to see the stars again.
It's okay that our summernights are going darker with about 4 minutes a day.
Soon we'll be able to see the stars again.
Wait wait! Hold up... Shut up!!! Cathrine, what do you reckon?
Oh, a one way ticket...
Really? ...
Baby, you're my midnight fantasy.

Ohhh yeah!
Really? ...
Baby, you're my midnight fantasy.

Ohhh yeah!
We all walk the green mile.
So little "Enrico" is dead now. Yeah. I threw him in the trash days ago even.
I won. Naturally, I won. Little "Sowfie" had been forgotten in the fridge, at his workplace. She didn't even last 24 hours. Not that I left the house much during those first 24 hours, so it was pretty easy for me... But still. I won. Yeah, that's really all there is to it.
As for my smoking habbits... Well I still have like 4 chapters left with Allen Carr (The Easy Way To Quit Smoking), and I'm afraid?! I'm so damn sure that I'll quit smoking after finishing it that I'm putting it off. But I've made up my mind. I've decided to start from the begining and just read it straight through. I need to befriend him again and let him help me though the lousy habbit. ...He'd argue with me about calling it a habbit. It's nota habbit. We break habbits everyday. It's an addiction. Smoking is like wearing shoes one size too small all the time. I have to come home and take them off! Smoking is like hearing your neighbours alarm go off all day. Screws with your mind untill they finally turn it off and you feel relieved, the quiet.
He's got alot of those weird analogies.
Tonight was awsome. I love you guys. (:
Torekällberget @ summernight. Lovelovelove it!
Reading, It'll be fantastic!
That's it for now.
Princessdolls Productions will be busy this week. Keep your eyes out! ;-)
I won. Naturally, I won. Little "Sowfie" had been forgotten in the fridge, at his workplace. She didn't even last 24 hours. Not that I left the house much during those first 24 hours, so it was pretty easy for me... But still. I won. Yeah, that's really all there is to it.
As for my smoking habbits... Well I still have like 4 chapters left with Allen Carr (The Easy Way To Quit Smoking), and I'm afraid?! I'm so damn sure that I'll quit smoking after finishing it that I'm putting it off. But I've made up my mind. I've decided to start from the begining and just read it straight through. I need to befriend him again and let him help me though the lousy habbit. ...He'd argue with me about calling it a habbit. It's nota habbit. We break habbits everyday. It's an addiction. Smoking is like wearing shoes one size too small all the time. I have to come home and take them off! Smoking is like hearing your neighbours alarm go off all day. Screws with your mind untill they finally turn it off and you feel relieved, the quiet.
He's got alot of those weird analogies.
Tonight was awsome. I love you guys. (:
Torekällberget @ summernight. Lovelovelove it!
Reading, It'll be fantastic!
That's it for now.
Princessdolls Productions will be busy this week. Keep your eyes out! ;-)
Weekends that last? (:
Thursday: Took brother to the airport, said buh bye for a month and a half. He's gone to the states now and gets to be with My Shantig! <3 Came home and slept a while. Sofia then came over and we wrote, wrote and wrote our rhymes together. Almost finished our rapsong! Oh yeah, summer's here and what's summer without the next Princess Doll's hit? Haha... That's right. We'll be recording this week. Bow chicka wah wah! ;-)
Friday: Went to get my eyes checked. Getting glasses this friday... Then I met up with some friends I havn't seen in a while. We drank and drank (some of us drank like never ever before?) and just hung out, playing guitar, singing and naming this years camp for Reading? ... Is that really what it is? Haha T-shirts will go to print soon. Awsome time, that friday night was! At least for me. I know two other people who really didn't feel good at all, and I can tell you, the last 10 minutes of my evening - the two became three. It's all good though. Summer's here!
Saturday: PAINTBALL!!! The rain was pouring down and we were completely hungover from the night before... Headed out to the field, put our masks on and shot our enemies to death. And being the former Counter Strike player that I am, I did some cool rolling around in the mudd- moves and stuff. Go go go! I do have some boo-boos though. >:| But I loved it and I'll be doing that again! Later that night we sat around in the sun (yeah, the sun then came out - timing?!), smoked waterpipe and chilled. It was good. Thanks Acke (:
Sunday: Dennis came over and cooked us a 5/5 dinner! Ohhh... So good! Sat up really late, drinking wine and talking randoms.
Monday: DIF - Gävle. 2-1 YEAH! Am I really enjoying soccer?
I think I might cuz I was wearing the team tee and both cheering and boo'ing...
Tursday: I now have an egg. "Enrico". For a whole week, wherever I go Enrico goes.
I bet "Sowfie" will die first...
Wednesday: CATHRINE COMES HOME! + CATHRINES 20th Birthday! WHEY!
I could go on like this forever. (:
Thursday: Took brother to the airport, said buh bye for a month and a half. He's gone to the states now and gets to be with My Shantig! <3 Came home and slept a while. Sofia then came over and we wrote, wrote and wrote our rhymes together. Almost finished our rapsong! Oh yeah, summer's here and what's summer without the next Princess Doll's hit? Haha... That's right. We'll be recording this week. Bow chicka wah wah! ;-)
Friday: Went to get my eyes checked. Getting glasses this friday... Then I met up with some friends I havn't seen in a while. We drank and drank (some of us drank like never ever before?) and just hung out, playing guitar, singing and naming this years camp for Reading? ... Is that really what it is? Haha T-shirts will go to print soon. Awsome time, that friday night was! At least for me. I know two other people who really didn't feel good at all, and I can tell you, the last 10 minutes of my evening - the two became three. It's all good though. Summer's here!
Saturday: PAINTBALL!!! The rain was pouring down and we were completely hungover from the night before... Headed out to the field, put our masks on and shot our enemies to death. And being the former Counter Strike player that I am, I did some cool rolling around in the mudd- moves and stuff. Go go go! I do have some boo-boos though. >:| But I loved it and I'll be doing that again! Later that night we sat around in the sun (yeah, the sun then came out - timing?!), smoked waterpipe and chilled. It was good. Thanks Acke (:
Sunday: Dennis came over and cooked us a 5/5 dinner! Ohhh... So good! Sat up really late, drinking wine and talking randoms.
Monday: DIF - Gävle. 2-1 YEAH! Am I really enjoying soccer?
I think I might cuz I was wearing the team tee and both cheering and boo'ing...
Tursday: I now have an egg. "Enrico". For a whole week, wherever I go Enrico goes.
I bet "Sowfie" will die first...
Wednesday: CATHRINE COMES HOME! + CATHRINES 20th Birthday! WHEY!
I could go on like this forever. (: