Dear diary,
Not sure yet but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! (;
The weather is really looking up, bringing alot with it! Coffee is tasting so good lately!
Yeah, there's something about having a cup of coffee back in the Bay Area... But damn how I love sitting on the balcony with the sun on my face, having a nice warm cup of coffee in the morning... Right here in Stockholm.
Wow, so much going on right now...
Just chillin'... With the best people in the world. You guys just keep surprising me...
Thanks all for this whole week. I'm still just hitting new highs. (:
Not alot beats Torekällberget in the middle of the night with the best group of friends... And cookies!
Apparently I'll be fading out this weekend ...
Leaving me to already wish you a Happy-Fuckin-Waleborg!
Billy J.
Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there. With open arms and open eyes...
The other night I sent you hearts.
You've now been stamped as really great people.
You all are very special to me and mean alot in various ways.
So don't you ever come to doubt.
You all kick ass.
What a great weekend.
Just chilled. Yeah, been chilling mostly! (;
Met up with alot of people breefly. Cat and I just did our thing.
McDoogles in the middle of the might followed by a visit at this party before leaving to come home and talk shit watching Scrubs all night... A whole weekend of hours like that, just chilling.
Going over to Jossans in just a little bit to try my luck out.
Maybe I'll win a car? >.<
Jilly Billy.
Oh and a big welcome all new readers! (:
As simple as that.
Enjoy it.
Summer of 2006
Summer of '06
Good times. (:
Workers Creek
It's like my subconscious wants me to fuck up good in order to get fired.
I do. I do want to get fired. Oh my, how I do want to get fired...
So many times I've almost dropped a tray with carrots or corn, forgotten an order, yelled back to the boss or been snotty to a customer. Almost; key word.
I don't know how I'd manage to get up everyday for that place if it wern't for Maria, co-worker and a blessed child!
So obviously I'm jobhunting.
I used to be picky about what job I'd do. Now that I'm experiencing the worst, anything else seems like such a joy and pleasure! I'll be e-mailing out several applications and keeping my fingers crossed.
You never know what you had 'till it's gone?
I left Café Nova and that area for a week for this new job and they realized how important I was and how much they'd miss me if I left. Ha, I'm loved! ^^ So if everything goes through (omg how I hope it does!) I'll be working there full time starting August. Just doing what I love. Being creative in all sorts of ways!
I did take that course, remember? (;
Stayed home, sick today...
Got my hair cut, plucked my eyebrows and sold a necklace I made!
Staying home, sick tomorrow too.
Tomorrow's just a mystery away.
I'm almost done recording the song and halfway through writing a new one!
Billy J.
All time first high...
As easy as it is to take something or somebody for granted, it's even easier to take a feeling for granted.
You know what it's like to be in one place or another. Why would it change, when it's always been the same?
It's always been the same. You know what it's like to get on the train, bus or car on your way to work. You know how you'll feel. Same as maybe groceryshopping, going to the pub or seeing your best friend. Sure, situations may vary but basically, it's the same old game.
Just as it is with new people.
You meet someone new and you immediately get the feel of the person.
You automatically know how to act, react and interact with this person. It'll stay the same.
Naturally emotions may change as you're getting to know the person, but the same feel will still be there.
Making any sense?
So one morning, a few days ago, my feel toward the people I met was different. Not bad-different or good-different... Just different.
It almost felt like I was living the life of someone else. Somebody elses feel.
I "snapped" out of it eventually, after many hours. But still, it had me thinking...
Why had that happened? What had triggered it?
My mind wondered to dreams... How is it that for every dream, our feel is completely different?
We're still the same person? Probably seeing and doing things pretty far from reality, but even so?
I've come to no conclusion yet, tho' I've realized just how simple it is to be... Just ourselves.
We are who we are, we think the way we think and we feel the way we do.
This comes naturally, nothing we think about really.
But if we did. If we did actually think about it more often... How we are, think and feel... And why.
Maybe we would we start to notice changes?
...Or maybe we'd get bored with it quickly.
Yea, this week has been moody.
The scale of my life doesn't ever seem to hit a low.
Just reaching new highs for every magical moment.
If I even started about last night I'd be here typing for hours... The word spectacular will have to do. Thank you.
And Friday... Just loved every minute of it.
On the other hand I seem to have lost someone. I don't know where you are? What happened?
I'll be here, waiting for your call.
Workworkwork tomorrow... Oh my... Better go get some sleep.
So good night, for the last time. Tonight. (:
Jill Adam

Look, I found it! (;
Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground
And I had so much time
To sit and think about myself
And then there she was
Like double cherry pie
Yeah there she was
Like disco superfly
I smell sex and candy here
Who's that lounging in my chair
Who's that casting devious stares
In my direction
Mama this surely is a dream
Some time, barely enough, to catch my breath.
Probably just as well.
Found out an old friend is coming back in town pretty soon. I wonder what that's going to be like...
Just as I learned another friends home isn't with mine.
He won't hear that song. But that's okay. I wrote it for me.
Stayed up pretty late last night playing videogames with two of my gorgeous friends.
Started around midnight and went on 'till about 7 am. Played some more when we woke up.
Oh, the cruise...
Still havn't yet gotten the full picture of what really happened after 2 am...
What happens on Cinderella, stays on Cinderella. ;)
Life's still as beautiful...
I'll get there.

Sometimes when you're flying
People try to shoot you down
Your laughing turns to crying
And your smile into a frown
The things that felt like sunshine
Can begin to feel like rain
But just one song, or one line
Can bring back the warmth again
You've been so happy and bright
I hope that doesn't stop
Fun chatting throughout the night
Is something i'll never drop
Times are always changing
But some things will remain
I change my mind about people
But of you I think the same
So remember to stay happy
Promise not to be sad
Think not of what is over
But of the memories that you had
I'm sure you will make new ones
Of that I have no doubt
You'll tell of things you've done
"It was CRAZY AWESOME" you will shout
So finally in closing
Promise you'll try to smile
Or i'll come over there and force a grin
If I have to swim each and every mile
Thank you Dave.
What's my age again?
Departure: 18:00
April 7th - 8th 2007
Jillizz & Sowfie go Emelie & Jennifer
Holy shmoly. It's time for round two!
Music. It's such a big part of my life...
So nowadays apparently, I'm working at Nancy's (former Sandy's).
Honestly, it's pretty damn stressful, annoying and exhausting...
But when I'm back there, thinking about how much I want to spit in the food, how badly I just want to be rescued... (Basically, just being stupid and contributing to the inflamed atmosphere.)
...I hear MTV playing a song I like, a song I have memories to, a song I know the lyrics of...
And a smile is instantly painted upon my face!
And during those few minutes, I'm somwhere completely different and/or I just have a greatest job in the world. What an impact music has on me. On the world!
And yes, sometimes music can have the exact opposite effect just as well...
How could one not want to be a part of it, to create it?
I love it :)
Last night was alot of fun. I met up with some old friends, the gang of... 2003 was it?
Ah man, those were some good times, I tell ya. :)
As the evening progressed we were all about old memories... Thanks guys, for last night!
And as we said, we have to create some new memories too! I'm in.
I need to update my iPod but I'm feeling just too lazy for it! Some speakers are going to be packed along for the cruise so we have our own party space in the cabin. Oh, it's going to be so great!
I didn't get the pictures from last time around, the shopping cart adventures on the second floor... But this time I guarantee there will be pics of our late night randoms! My camera isn't leaving my side! :)
I didn't really find what I was looking for, tonight...
But I'm sure I'll find a way to make this evening sparkle.
. . .
Oh yeah, totally!
I ended up making some pancakes and had them with icecream and chocolate syrup. yummie...
Also I was on the phone with a close friend of mine.
In fact, the coolest person in the world (that I know )!
Pretty rad being as just a few months ago we didn't know eachother at all and couldn't care less.
A two and a half hour convo later... I'm back sitting here. Pretty much ready to go to bed.
I had my evening sparkle.
Tomorrow... There'll be an explosion! Stay tuned!
Keep the fire ever blazing.
I'm no longer holding the stair rail for balance.
Now, I'm holding it for a different reason.
So sometimes things happen. You don't know how or why.
Some people call it 'a part of a plan', others use 'coincidence'.
Which ever terminogoly you choose, you're sometimes put in these random positions. Ones that you hate, love or something in between, and you really have no idea how or why you're there.
Because, you see... For you, the world revolves around You.
It's really all about You getting all you can out of life, until the last drop has fallen. And that meaning, experiencing every single emotion as many times as possible during one lifetime.
It's pretty rapid right now and to use the word "love" feels like an understatement...
But I'm really inlove with the times passing before us right now.
Looking forward to spending life, until the last drop, with you.
Yours affectionatly
Jill Adam