Keep the fire ever blazing.
I'm no longer holding the stair rail for balance.
Now, I'm holding it for a different reason.
So sometimes things happen. You don't know how or why.
Some people call it 'a part of a plan', others use 'coincidence'.
Which ever terminogoly you choose, you're sometimes put in these random positions. Ones that you hate, love or something in between, and you really have no idea how or why you're there.
Because, you see... For you, the world revolves around You.
It's really all about You getting all you can out of life, until the last drop has fallen. And that meaning, experiencing every single emotion as many times as possible during one lifetime.
It's pretty rapid right now and to use the word "love" feels like an understatement...
But I'm really inlove with the times passing before us right now.
Looking forward to spending life, until the last drop, with you.
Yours affectionatly
Jill Adam
What an evening it was!
That's what I would call life at its best!
Life is the greatest gift you'll ever be given! Take good care of it and use well the days!
Then again, I know you do!
Carry on enjoying every day you're given and I can guarantee that you'll achieve anything and everything that you decide you want to.
Keep on smiling and dreaming :)
Med lite perspektiv på söndagskvällen måste jag säga att den bara fortsätter att växa. Även om underbart verkar vara kort just nu så hoppas jag att det kommer fler kvällar när trummor och röka ska försöka locka förfäderna tillbaka till oss. Har läst din och min blogg flera gånger senaste dagarna, magiskt, väntar bara på frix version nu. Love.
Loving the pictures!!
Sorry att jag verkligen suger med kommentarerna, men jag läser alltid ;)
Vad sägs om en kaffe/te smakning nästa vecka när jag kommit hem från Malmö? =)