Where does lint come from?

Jack's Mannequin tonight was absolutly awsome.
I really don't know what else to say... It was fuckin great!
Opening acts were Head Automatica, The Audition and another band that was pretty cool that I don't remember the name of. Something Lolita?

Hearing that song with Head Automatica, the only one I really know, threw me back.
Suddenly I was in a beloved friends car, at night, heading out somewhere...
I never really liked that song, never really got why it was "so damn good", but tonight I did.
I miss you!

So It's saturday night.
This week has past crazy fast.
Wednesday night we rented a karaoke room. That was definetly one of the highlights of my stay.
Haha, wow... Could you believe karaoke could be that much fun?!
Like, yeah I could. I love it, and most of my friends do too. But that night was awsome!
We are totally doing that when i get back home!

And speaking of my arrivaldate, it seems it just may be prosponed!
Maybe a few more weeks, maybe a whole nother month... Maybe not at all.
I stay undecided. I don't really know quite yet...

With all of that being said I need to speak of my weekend! I LOVE MY WEEKENDS!
Last night was, catch your breath, CRAZY! (surprised?)
We went down to the local pub and learned how to play shuffleboard by this Irish dude.
After Jeff and TC's team beat me, Shante and Lawrence, we decided for a rematch at pool.
So we're playing pool. We're all having a good time, drinking, talking shit, whatever...
We start noticing a smell. Really very bad. But we ignore it and keep playing.
Suddenly these two random guys, at the pool table next to ours, walk up to us and start asking who of us keeps farting. None of us, as far as we could recall.
We joke around with them for a while, until we realize they're not kidding. And now they're pissed!
"I can't see, my eyes are bleeding from the smell! Who the fuck keeps farting?!"
These guys were seriously trying to pick a fight over a supposed fart!
Hahahah... How insane isn't that?! They ended up leaving and the smell with them...

After that we came back to our house and sat around for a while.
Then we sat around some more but with some 'fresh green air' in our lungs.
I never knew we had statues in our backyard?
Hey, where does lint come from? Why is it in your pocket?
"Hawaiis tallest shotglas"? But what if i go and make one thats just a half n inch taller and sell it in Hawaii?
Good times.
And then there was drama...
And then I found that missing sock...
And then the drama settled?
I still really don't know actually. Maybe tomorrow we'll find out.

Tonight was the show, that i totally loved and enjoyed!
Tomorrow's the superbowl. We seem to be heading out to some party in San Jose for that.
Should be fun. :) We stand undefeated!
ThankyouThankyouThankyou Shante for everything. <3

See you around!
Jilly Billy

Postat av: Acke

Time for a fartcontroll? SUPER BOWL! Jag sitter hemma nu och väntar på att sändningen ska börja om typ en timme. Sändningen slutar 04:30 lokal tid så det får bli nystekt bacon till snask, kommer sova imorgon på jobbet (Telia, det blev Telia). För övrigt är det fan skönt att höra att du trivs, fortsätt med det!

Postat av: Frixx

Hej lovie!
Jag har bloggat! Bara så du vet ;)
Älskar dej och SAKNAR dej!
kom hem tack

2007-02-06 @ 18:42:12
URL: http://smellslikecathrine.blogg.se

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