The Simple Life
What's old, new, borrowed and blue?
She said her clock is ticking. And I just looked at her.
She wasn't shining.
I will whisper a song in your ear
Oh the things you've been missing my dear
If you remember the tune
It's all I can do
Just remember I wrote it for you.
She said her clock is ticking. And I just looked at her.
She wasn't shining.
I will whisper a song in your ear
Oh the things you've been missing my dear
If you remember the tune
It's all I can do
Just remember I wrote it for you.
Postat av: Den-nissen
Remember that i love you.
Postat av: CATHRINE
Men!!! Det här är ju inte champagne!!! Den är ju från Spanien! Då är det ju bara mousserande bajs!!!
Minnena asså...
Och kinesbarn som trummar...