" W E E K E N D "

Here we go!
Pics uploaded from this "weekend" (Tuesday - Thursday), feels like Sunday today...
The cruise, the day after and the day after that.

" F R I D A Y "

Cat at the bar.

Acke rockin it out!

Marre being cute!

Chillin... How did he
spill his drink? Hehe.

Marre, Me and Cat.
What after-pyjama-party?

The sweetest thing
I met on the boat.

Marre going nuts...

Wait, what time is it?

" S A T U R D A Y "

Just woken up...
Good 4 hours of sleep!

And tell me you don't have
the prettiest eyes, Cat...

The best place for that kebab...

" S U N D A Y  "

SO pretty...

I'm totally grabbing
her boobie! Grrr...


Couldn't quite do it...

Close, but not good enough.

Hurray! There we go! (:

Yepp. And tomorrow's friday all over again...
Billy J

Postat av: Natan

Bästa helgen nånsin!

Postat av: Marre

URK vilka bilder! XD
Hoppas länken funkar...^

Postat av: Marre

hoppsan Kerstin, det var visst sidan 3...

Postat av: Emanuel

Första gången jag ser acke på något som ens kan likna ett dansgolv. Jag vet inte vad ni gjorde med honom men bra jobbat!

2007-06-10 @ 09:34:55
URL: http://rahmstrom.se
Postat av: Acke

mm, helg var det och helg blev det igen. Tack för helgerna, de har varit speciella! Lycka till på TV4 klockan 14:00 imorgon (måndag), förnedra och skäm ut motståndet, you can do it! ;)
Emanuel: Det kallas photoshop...

2007-06-10 @ 23:49:10
URL: http://www.ackelindholm.blogspot.com/

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