Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

It's not even hectic anymore.
I seem to have forgotten what it was like before...
That's the way it goes, they say. I smile and nod when I really want to... Yeah. Whatever.

They also say I'm strong. This is funny because people are generally really weak.
We (by we, I mean humanity) tend to take every chance we get to crash and crack.
Fuck, It's easier that way!
Lets sulk in selfpity for a while and hope the world stops to see our tears and give us a great big ole' hug.
Better yet, lets keep hinting our sorrow, waiting for someone to take the empty seat next to us so we can blame our sorry existence on the demanding world today, together.
So fuckin' pathetic... Makes me sick.
Havn't we understood anything by now?
Don't we know that the world won't tell us that it's all going to be okay?

No, I'm not strong. I'm just not dumb.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life;
it goes on.

- Brandon Lee

Postat av: Sofia

Så kul! Alltid roligt att se någon annan människas pyssel och få lite inspiration :)

Postat av: Cat


2007-07-04 @ 13:52:01
URL: http://smellslikecathrine.blogg.se

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