Ever heard a fairy speak?
Has my eye always been this open?
My heart, my mind, my soul?
Whenever I look around my shoulder nowadays, there's always something there that I just absolutely love and adore. And it gives me this comfortable feeling, this extraordinary calm... Followed by an inner smile which doesn't really ever fade away, only getting warmer and stronger for every other experience.
Sometimes I feel almost as if I'm walking around, holding to a secret whispered into my ear by God, angels or little magical fairies...
As my new found appreciation for life has taken over my being, I've often wondered... Do other people also hold this secret? Or was it only told to me? And if so, why?
Am I alone in this glorious state of mind?
So I've been observing.
I've been looking around myself, trying to dig into the cores of my peers... Not giving the secret away, just trying to get a hint of what they know, if they know, and how they've chosen to handle it.
This has not only brought me to smile on the inside but also on the outside for what I've found out has really amazed me.
The secret wasn't only told to me.
It was told to the ones holding an open heart, meaning the people ready to see it, to feel it.
I've also learned that everyone holds this heart, though, depending on if you want to see or feel...
Whether you're ready for it or not. Whether you, at this point in your life, can open your ears up.
Depending on time, surroundings, feelings and emotions.
So, told to everyone... A secret nonetheless.
For it's ways cannot be revealed.
The only way to get in on it is to keep your heart, your mind and your soul open and wait for the whisper...
And when it comes... You'll know.
What a great weekend I've had!
I really don't even know where to start?
Friday, myself and Acke were invited over to our Princess Sofias newfoundlove's house for dinner. I recall it being quite an intreresting encounter. Some good wine, delicious food and conversations later, we were stuck by the boardgame Trivial Persuit for quite some time. Applause to the winners, Sowfie and Oscar.
They cheated. Naturally. How else would any pair of people beat me and Acke? Harrr... (;
Moving on, meeting up Cathrine at the trainstation and trying to get our fantastic evening started.
We danced a bit, met up with some people... And realized all the places were closed, we were off to a late start.
That's okay. Rerun.
Saturday, Cathrine and I wake up on my couch and do alot of nothings all day. As night time starts crawling up we meet Bams, Johani, Orre and their girls at a pub for some shots and drinks. Already doing pretty good.
Heading to the lokal hangout, the natural place to be. Good music and great people. Like always!
I made a norwegian friend, Ida! Haha, that was pretty random. Further on even more random meetings took place...
I wouldn't say meetings, rather than "hook-ups" but this is a public blog and I wouldn't want to invade on His and Her privacy.
But hey, give me a call and I'll fill you in! (;
After more and more drinks, food and a walk... We found ourselves up at Johanis place.
Chatted, laughed, talked shit, played guitar, sang, talked some more shit...
I thought, with this atmosphere, I wanted to try the "Sharing Game". So we did. And I was surprised to see it worked, even on this side of the Atlantic.
Didn't fall asleep until this morning after the sunrise and even later...
Thank you guys, all of you. This was such an awsome weekend!
To have You all as My friends is really really cool!
A special thanks to Cathrine. You never seize to surprise me with your good heart, loyalty and substance.
I've really missed having you around, I'm so glad you're back into my life. There's nobody like you.
Ahahaha, love your blog darling. The headline got a big WTF from me before reading your post haha. Tard.
I'm one of those outsiders I guess, I feel left out. I have no fairies whispering stuff to me hahaha.
Hmm nu när du bloggar på engelska så blir kommentarerna oxå på engelska...? Haha, men härligt att du mår bra vännen =) Låter som ni hade det kul i helgen :D Fick ett missat samtal från Cat...? Tyvärr är jag en av dom där mobbade människorna med kontantkort, broke ass motherfucker just nu haha.
Hope to see you soon! /Marsvin
I totally agree!
What a weekend! Den bästa på länge!!
Det har varit så underbart att bara umgås med en massa människor man tycker om hela helgen!!! Idag blir väl första dagen på en vecka då man är ensam.... usch!!!!!!!!!
Jill, du är coolast i hela världen jag har saknat dej och allt som har med dej att göra så otroligt mycket!!! Du är bäst!!
Ja, Marre... haha synd att du inte svarade i lördags, du hade säkert fått dej ett gott skratt! Haha.
Kanske lite sent så här på en onsdag men jävlar vad trevligt det var i helgen, från tågresan till Tullinge till McDonalds på måndagen, fler sådana helger framöver. För övrigt; Taken i Södertälje går inte säkra den närmsta tiden och antagligen inte vi på dem heller. Lycka till imorgon kamrat!