Miss Princess, where you headed today?
Tonight I've put the past chapters aside.
I've filled in the last lines, that were missing for so long, and put them away.
What a feeling!
I like to pick up the book every now and then though, and flip through the pages. It's interesting to see how not only myself but people around me change.
Some for the better, some for the worse. Sometimes the one way other times the other.
While deep into it, it's hard to figure out what's right and what isn't. Hence the many unwritten endings to lifes chapters. They just kinda' stay, linger... You know?
Tonight. Many plans, none which I followed through. My mind and body have been too caught up in grasping this current chapter, wondering if this should need a book of it's own.
It's like we're all jumping, constantly, not knowing where we're landing. Holding hands thought, safe.
Experiencing new feelings, settings and logic- all together.
Realizing tonight, this new book needs it's own space.
I spent some time reviewing myself and the people belonging to my past.
Some I contacted for confirmation, that my insight was correct and put an exclamationpoint after their sentence.
Others I had felt no desire to contact, infact, deleted the ways of contact, and put simply a dot after their name.
Life is a funny thing, and I love that I get to explore it with some of the worlds greatest people!
So for tonight I again put the book aside. Until the sequel...
I can't wait to see where we end up, why and delete all the next questionmarks.
Miss Princess, where you headed today?
Will we still be holding hands, jumping?
Or have we safely landed?
Bay Bridge - Jill Adam
Det var nog ett tag sedan jag sa det sist men du är fan i mig den coolaste människan i världen (som jag känner, givetvis). Fascineras av den mystik du omger dig av och imponeras kraftigt av din livshunger, så vill jag också bli när blir stor... filosofisk, reflekterande och en inspirationskälla. Önskar dig ett underbart liv fyllt med många välfyllda kapitel.
Fan vad fint ni skriver ni båda (du jill och acke)!!! Jag kan inte annat än hålla med!!! Ni är båda coola som fan och jag tycker om våra sena nätter!
Måste bara tillägga att du är underbar Jill!
Du betyder mest!!!
På riktigt! I vått och torrt!
.......................................................och juste, jag fick din lapp och jag kommer visst i blått.
Happy you're still happy:D Keep smiling because its infectious :)