And a note that said...

How smart was the dude for thinking of the post-it?
I mean really, right?!

E-mails back and forth. I honestly still love them.

I miss my Starbucks coffee. Alot. Miss getting up early in the morning and ending up at Starbucks, people watching and writing. I miss the weather. It's alot like todays weather! In mid winter! :) I miss looking forward to fridays nights, knowing something spectacular's going to happen. I miss the actual fridaynights, in the mist of the magic. I miss my cousin Shante terribly. I miss our comedy nights, shopping days and The Cheesecake Factory! I miss all of his friends that soon became my friends. I miss roadtripping to Reno, I miss the actual shit going down in Reno... I miss sharing the insidejokes - oh, there were so many... I miss the fest of my family and friends back "home" too. I miss people saying my english is too propper (likewise), I miss people saying my english is too sloppy (the thingy on the ting). I miss having to proove to people I was from Sweden. I miss endless phonecalls with Mackan, Jason and Ashley about anything and everything. I miss the smells... I miss my room, my books and my bed. I miss going to sleep at night not knowing what tomorrow has to offer. I miss cerial. Oh god how I miss cerial! Fruitloops and Captain Crunch! And Airheads, Nerds, Ben&Jerry's Chocolatechip Cookiedough Icecream! And NO Jeff, NOT the one without sugar... Even with the munchies it's just not sufficient! ;) I miss New Years 2006-2007. I miss playing Wario on the Wii, intoxicated. I miss making dinner when Aunty Sharon just couldn't find time. I miss... Ohhhh... I miss Village Host Pizza. Miss jumping on the trampoline with Talia and Jacob. I miss meeting new cool people all the time, miss Jeffs apartment, his room-mate's doggy- he was such a joy to make fun of. I miss killing Thomas for the cupcakes, miss Straights - the only karaokebar that didn't ID at the door. I miss all the damn good times... Damn good...

...I could go on and on and on... Honestly.
I really do love the e-mails.

I guess I'm feeling a bit homesick.
But while there... The list of things, places and people I miss are pretty damn long too.
It's obviously about living in the moment. Even while here there are things about right here and now that I miss terribly. It's going to so awsome to have Ashley here for a few weeks. :)

Ouh, enough missing, yeah?
The "Looking Forwards" too:
* Moshpit Open on Saturday! (
* Mine and Sofias next rapsong coming out! ;)
* Our cruise next month!
* Ashley coming to visit!
* The trips planned! (Hungary, Gotland and ofc Reading Festival)
* A job... So I can make reality out of my dreams for travel...

Couldn't sleep - all of the above came to mind.
Nighty night. (:

Ps. And yeah... Sorry to disappoint you, but my friends are still better than yours! By far!

Postat av: da Frick.....savy?!

I totally understand what you mean!!!!!
There are so many things I miss as well...
'I miss my Swiss miss and my Swiss miss misses me...'
Call you l8r!

Postat av: Acke

Killen som uppfann post-it ville egentligen uppfinna ett lim som aldrig skulle lossna, istället råkade han klura ut en formela på ett lim som alltid lossnar men som man kan använda om och om igen, så egentligen var han en soppa. Precis som Columbus som av misstag hittar en kontinent när han söker en genväg till Indien... bevisar mest att för att bli lyckad måste våga exprimentera och misslyckas, vem vet vad man lyckas med?

2007-05-26 @ 00:27:24

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