Endlessly, She said
So here I sit. With my glass of white whine, glistening. And tonight it's looking unbelievably ravishing. My music is playing softly in the background as I'm full of thoughts.
So completely uplifted. It's this feeling that I cannot describe.
Not last night and not tonight...
I've tried for about 17 minutes now, only to delete it all for the sake of inadequacy.
AFI - Arenan 12/5 - 2007
Fuckin' magical...
Again, and like always nowadays ... I feel so damn busy.
I'm not sure what exactly it is that I'm doing with my time really, but I very rarely get the chance to just sit down for a moment and breathe. Like, really breathe...
I've realized I'm the only one to blame so my days of complete and utter extrovertism must come to end.
So some new routines will now enter my life and I plan on sticking to them religiously.
I like to think.
But lately I've felt as if I have no time for even just that. I havn't thought in a long time.
Hectic, not only physically but yeah, menthally too.
From early yesterday morning - afternoon and especially night, I thought alot.
Thank you so much Marika. I really appreciate all your support (and humor ;) !
Also worth mentioning tonight are Cat and Dennis.
Yeah... I did.
I auditioned for Idol - 2007. And I went on to the second round! Ha!
So now, thursday is the big day.
-So bug gulps, huh?
bra skit, bra skit!
GL T-day, kill 'em all.
Gogogooooooo! vad blir det för låt nu da?
you know that I'm Yours, always and 4ever!
Lycka till med de nya rutinerna och håll mig underrättad om hur det går, jag kan behöva lite tips själv på hur man faktiskt andas och lättar på trycket ibland.
Och när det gäller Idol; du kommer gunga deras värld med din charm och skulle du inte vara det de söker så finns det tusen andra (och bättre) forum för dig och din talang. Tror på dig dock Idol-Jill!
Jill, du kan ju fet-hajja att jag tänker ringa dig så fort jag kommer ut härifrån(jobbet, inte finkan...)! Ville bara säga det! Kram!