The Gold Of Fall
Yeah, I knitted a scarf! And it turned out really great if I may say so myself (:
I learned how to do those little twisty, braid-like things even! I worked on it for like a week and finally gave it to Acke. During the week of knitting I've been through alot of different things. Nothing out of the ordinary (that's a lie), just your regular day-to-day emotions...
Crabby and hectic mornings - Just a row or two with my coffee?!
Happy, at work (yes my job kicks ass) - Finally a good 3 hours of knitting.
A movie in the afternoon - I'll see one I've seen before so I don't actually have to follow- knitknitknit...
Arguments over the phone - KNITKNITKNIT!!!
04.24 am this morning (last night?) I finally finished the damn thing and guess what I noticed...
The way we think and how we feel really does effect how we perform.
Yea, we know this Jill, duh? ... Yeah, totally but I was sitting there and holding it in my hand!
I saw the hectic morning rows and the angry phonecalls!
I could see the stress! How? I had messed up!
We need to smile and truly be happy and at peace when we do the really important stuff...
I saw it right there in my hand.
Anyway, just an observation...
That was my main focus (I knitted a damn scarf, yay!) so I feel kinda lost now.
Maybe I should study a little for the test this saturday... Högskoleprovet is a test we can do and the result is used as a complement for our grades when applying to college. It increases the chances of getting in. So it's a test of words and diagrams and stuff...
So there's that...
Also I kinda feel like writing a book or recording an album or something like that.
I've got this creative thing going on right now, I feel so inspired! (:
Specially after Kulturnatten where girls my age were performing with lyrics I'd never in a million years be proud of with voices sounding like creaking doors...
But I'd have to write the album before recording it, so there's that...
And I better study and finish the whole test thing before I begin writing music...
What else...
I'm in a good mood tonight folks, you better believe it!
I'm really just writing about what ever's on my mind.
My mom and I baked some cookies when we got home this evening and I'm eating some right now and having coffee. It's 00.26.
He said to turn the clock back on sunday. I heard: it's getting darker on sunday.
You can take the girl away from Sweden but you can't take Sweden away from the girl?
Sweden left me a long time ago!
Darker, alright...
Summer here is beautiful! We get a good 2 weeks of warmth (+ 20- 30 C) but about 3 months of really long days. Sun will rise at about 3.30 am and set at like 1 am.
(I had this photoproject on my mind this summer that would've displayed perfectly right here but I never got around to doing it.) Long, beautiful days full of laughs!
If you go back and read my blogs from June - August you won't find much complaining.
Here comes winter... We get a solid 4 months of biting cold (-5 - 15 C). Sun will rise at about 10 am and set at about 3 pm- and I think I'm being nice with these numbers too...
Alright, turning the clock back on sunday... Hibernation.
Las Vegas? Reno? New York? A wales vagina? (S:t Diago) ...
(Hahaha, well at least you kinda see the scarf! :)

Sweden left me a long time ago.
He keeps me floating and the girls keep me smiling.
Thank you.
Sofia and I had our "day" the 22dn and she's taking me on a cruise next month to celebrate!
But Marre is leaving us way too soon for school in england! >:(
Happy Birthday Bam!
Wii wii wii! ;D
Postat av: Marc
Har får man läsa om Jill ha ha! en blogg! vi får leka någondag igen brandbergen saknar dej vettu he he kram påre tjejen
Postat av: Acke
Världens mysigaste är du, tack för halsduken. Den känns full som full av kärlek den är (Acke goes Yoda...)! Du är världens coolaste, vilken trevlig natt igår och vilka trevliga nätter vi ha framför oss. Sov gott!
Postat av: Jilly B
Marc: L?
Haha nämen kul att du hittat hit! Det var ju verkligen inte igår man såg eller hörde av dig! Cheerio dude (:
Acke: Coolast kan du va själv!
Postat av: marc
he he javisst ser dig på msn ibland, får säga hej nästa gång ;-)
Postat av: Jilly B
Haha för fin för att säga hej? Tyvärr har jag inte kvar dig på listan så jag är väl inte bättre själv (; Vi ses när vi ses och vi hörs när du hör mig! :)