Dear diary,
Manpower just hired me! :) Look at me smiling!
And also I love Allen Carr for getting and keeping me smokefree! Yup. 3rd day.
I kick ass like that! (;

Me and Sofia- Ni vet inte hur snygga vi är!
I finished reading that book last night.
I'm done!
Not just for this time, but for good... Done! :)
So sexy it hurts!

Again, thanks Dave.
Sometimes when you're flying
People try to shoot you down
Your laughing turns to crying
And your smile into a frown
The things that felt like sunshine
Can begin to feel like rain
But just one song, or one line
Can bring back the warmth again
You've been so happy and bright
I hope that doesn't stop
Fun chatting throughout the night
Is something i'll never drop
Times are always changing
But some things will remain
I change my mind about people
But of you I think the same
So remember to stay happy
Promise not to be sad
Think not of what is over
But of the memories that you had
I'm sure you will make new ones
Of that I have no doubt
You'll tell of things you've done
"It was CRAZY AWESOME" you will shout
So finally in closing
Promise you'll try to smile
Or i'll come over there and force a grin
If I have to swim each and every mile.
Positive Psychology
There's a simple thing you can do to if you want to paint a smile across your face.
Smile really wide, like a clown smile. Look up with your eyes to your forehead without moving your head.
Do it for five - ten seconds and see what happens when you let go...
This song goes out to You.
Yeah, it's pretty late and I really should be going to bed like, two hours ago. But I can't escape the thoughts and memories of everything and everyone from Reading. I could say sunday was the best out of all days... Just sitting in the grass with shorts and a tanktop, the sun hitting hot and awsome bands playing all damn day... Getting lost on our was back to the campsites at night after almost getting killed (yes I was very scared!) and seing everyone partying like there was no tomorrow. Trolly race! But that wouldn't be fair because that first wednesday night was pretty great too. Chilling in our tent, talking randoms and how our feet just synced in all harmony... Kimma went Bhudda on us. haha!
...But see that still won't be fair because almost every morning was great too for various reasons. And like everything else that I adore I just can go on and on but I'll try to stop myself now...
So I'm just sitting around now, eating grapes and reflecting upon, well, alot. And I've decided that I'm doing pretty damn good. I'm actually really happy. Everything seems to just work out and it's allowing me to totally live in the moments.
About my smoking... Well I don't know if you remember the book I was telling you about a few months back. I got this book "The easy way to quit smoking" by Allen Carr. And I read and read and read... Until I eventually understood that if I keep reading this I'll actually quit smoking! So I just stopped reading, a few chapters near the end...
And people have asked me "how's quitting going?" with taunting smiles on their faces, and eventhough I've felt like bitchslapping then accross their faces right on the spot I've taken a deep breath and replied something like " Well you see, I'm reading this book..."
So anyway, that question came from my brother two nights ago.
So I told him about the book, and him being a smoked too (not quite as bad as myself) was very sceptic. So he asked to borrow it. Yesterday morning I wake up and find the book with his pack of cigarettes in the kitchen table.
I got owned.
So now we know the book works.
Sure, I've heard the stories and read reviews and stuff... But now I've seen it.
I sure as hell will do it too. I'm going to start that book over and just read it right through, just like my heroic brother.
Allen Carr is a genious! - I say and light a cigarette...
I was over at Cats today and we baked an Oreo cake! Oh it was delicious! Thanks Cat for sharing that with me. And Thanks to Lisa too, you guys made my day!
Speaking of Cat, we need to congratulate her for her job! She's kicking some serious personal assistent ass and we're all so very proud!
Another person who deserves a congratts is Acke! Moving into his own place tomorrow! Can't wait for that party (:
So it's even later now and I really should get some sleep...
Thing is, I'm just living my life to the fullest and with You in it, it's just so easy.
Thankyouthankyouthankyou. <3
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive.
I loose myself pretty easily... From sitting and just being in the moment to only just a split second later being somewhere completely different, in every way possible. I go back to thinking the way I did at that particular time and all the emotions come back to me.
And I tend to stay there a while. I like it there, even if the place I've been thrown into isn't all that pleasant. I cosy up and feel all warm and fuzzy. Usually though, the memories are pretty great and I do all I can to maintain in those past moments.
...Like finding the songs I used to listen to during that period, digging up all the photos, reading stuff I wrote, reading stuff that was written to me...
Sometimes I go way back and dig far deep. Because sometimes... I find those memories so unbelievably fantastic and I have to reassure myself that they acutally happened... I love reliving every part of every great place and every great person and every awsome feeling they've left me with. ...
And life goes on! I still have so much more to experience, so much more to feel, see, do, touch, taste... It's amaising and I'm looking forward to tomorrow like I was born today!
Every song brings me closer. Every word, every photograph, scent, taste...
I always wanna be close...
Ha, just found another song. I'll be drifting off... (:
<3 chärlejk.
My hip hurts.
My rib is cracked.
I'm so sick and my sneezing and coughing is only making my rib hurt more.
I feel pretty damn miserable actually...
But it's just so worth it.
I miss everything about Reading!
Vilken jävla luring!
Bill Hicks, a true genious!
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
My rib is cracked.
I'm so sick and my sneezing and coughing is only making my rib hurt more.
I feel pretty damn miserable actually...
But it's just so worth it.
I miss everything about Reading!
Vilken jävla luring!
Bill Hicks, a true genious!
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
akickasstimewiththebestfriendsintheworld x
So... Strike three.
Reading Festival 2007.
Words words words...
Bullocks to poverty!

Ahh... Much much more...
Hakuna Matata!
-Så sut!
Reading Festival 2007.
Words words words...
Bullocks to poverty!

Ahh... Much much more...
Hakuna Matata!
-Så sut!
So the day after tomorrow we all leave for the Reading Festival.
... Like, no words can describe how much I'm looking forward to this.
Not only because it's such an awsome festival with alot of great bands and I'm going with the coolest people in the world... No because Sweden just kinda sucks sometimes and I need to get out of here, out, away, to learn to appreciate what I have and where I have it.
My brother came back from the Bay Area like a week ago, a little more.
He got me some starbucks coffee. I'm loving it.
I used to have so many readers. I might still, I don't know, havn't checked.
That's kinda the whole point. See, I have so much to write about but so little time and energy to actually sitt down here and make it clear to everyone what's going on in my life. It's pretty dumb even. I just kinda don't like the internet anymore. It's boring.
I have this gray T-shirt that with pink gems says "Fulfil your deams".
My friend reminded me the other day about how juvenile it is and how I need to grow up.
So yeah, I did in fact get it from H&M's childrens departement but I still told her to more or less, go shot herself.
I was going somewhere with this... I had something to say about how I don't need the internet now that I'm "growing up", about how it just gets me stuck... But I'm having the funniest conversation with Dave right now and I lost myself a little. ... I'm all speeded up about the Festival, don't really know what I'm saying or where I want this to lead.
Also... I'm on my 4th cup of starbucks and it's only 11.57 am.
As feelings eventually end up in words and memories left in pictures...
I'll always have you in my heart.
Despite everything, I'll miss you my old friend. Reading just won't be the same...
... Like, no words can describe how much I'm looking forward to this.
Not only because it's such an awsome festival with alot of great bands and I'm going with the coolest people in the world... No because Sweden just kinda sucks sometimes and I need to get out of here, out, away, to learn to appreciate what I have and where I have it.
My brother came back from the Bay Area like a week ago, a little more.
He got me some starbucks coffee. I'm loving it.
I used to have so many readers. I might still, I don't know, havn't checked.
That's kinda the whole point. See, I have so much to write about but so little time and energy to actually sitt down here and make it clear to everyone what's going on in my life. It's pretty dumb even. I just kinda don't like the internet anymore. It's boring.
I have this gray T-shirt that with pink gems says "Fulfil your deams".
My friend reminded me the other day about how juvenile it is and how I need to grow up.
So yeah, I did in fact get it from H&M's childrens departement but I still told her to more or less, go shot herself.
I was going somewhere with this... I had something to say about how I don't need the internet now that I'm "growing up", about how it just gets me stuck... But I'm having the funniest conversation with Dave right now and I lost myself a little. ... I'm all speeded up about the Festival, don't really know what I'm saying or where I want this to lead.
Also... I'm on my 4th cup of starbucks and it's only 11.57 am.
As feelings eventually end up in words and memories left in pictures...
I'll always have you in my heart.
Despite everything, I'll miss you my old friend. Reading just won't be the same...
An hour or something -with Billy J: This very saturday.
So I'm sitting here, eating cookiedough icecream. Got some from Komsun this afternoon. Ben and Jerrys, the real kind. No words in the world could descibe how I love the places it takes me. :) Some of the best times of my life. Memories... Beautiful!
Still enjoying those memories... (:
And also kind'a loving the movie "Turn it up" on chanal 4 right now!
Texting Cat to see if she's awake...
No reply from Cat yet.
I HEART Sour Cream and Onion chips!
So anyway, today was a good day. The working parts of the day really sucked but all in all, good day. I was leaving the pub at midnight, being kissed by this 27* C breeze... Sweden's not halfbad sometimes. (:
I really hate guns.
I loved the scene where he threw the guns into the sea! Ha!
No word from Cat. But my cellphone is gay anyway...
So uhm, I've worked so much this week, I'm exhausted. Tomorrow's gonna be my first day off in a really long time. I'm sooo looking forward to it. So, heading off to bed. Goodnight bitches! (;
PS. That movie; 5/5. That movie was perfect on a night like tonight. (:
This is the third verse.
And I'm laying in my bed trying to hear my breath,
with the song on repeat
I feel totally incomplete.
This isn't just the start.
I'm aiming to finish.
And I'm not so sure if I'm halfway through,
If maybe I've cheated
or desperately been defeated.
The plot doesn't thicken.
The mirror looks cracked.
When I turn off the light and reach for your hand,
I can hang up a frame
see it all just the same
and call it my own.

Yours Truly
And I'm laying in my bed trying to hear my breath,
with the song on repeat
I feel totally incomplete.
This isn't just the start.
I'm aiming to finish.
And I'm not so sure if I'm halfway through,
If maybe I've cheated
or desperately been defeated.
The plot doesn't thicken.
The mirror looks cracked.
When I turn off the light and reach for your hand,
I can hang up a frame
see it all just the same
and call it my own.

Yours Truly
All is fair in love and war?
Alot's going on right now and just the thought of it gives me this really uncomfortable feeling in my gut (literally and metaphorically). I want to say that I hate people but the truth is I really don't. In fact, it's just the opposite. I love people. I love how we think and act in situations and I'm totally fascinated by WHY we think and act the way we do in those certain moments of life.
Do I feel superior to others? Perhaps.
Do I have the right to? Probably not.
Does that affect me? No one bit.
Yes, it is pretty interesting and I can't wait to see the outcome of it all. But ubove that and all else I can't wait to escape for just a little while. In about 16 days we leave for England. To the Reading Festival (http://www.readingfestival.com)
Third year now and it just couldn't have come in a better time. Alot of great bands, loads of awsome people, dirty, hungry, always tired/smashed, free, timeless and without a single obligation.
"It's like breathing love" is how I described my first Reading experience and I stick to it.
Just 16 more days...
Do I have the money for it? Probably not.
Is that a problem? Perhaps.
Will that affect me being there? Not one bit.
All in all, it's been a good weekend. I love the people I'm blessed to have around me. And everytime I see them I feel excited to be able to call them my friends.
Marika: Just really; Thank you. It means so much. You mean so much.
And If there's anything I can ever do to repay you, don't ever hesitate to ask.
Whatevers? Yeah well I'm working at this photoplace now. It's been what, like 2 weeks? Yeah it's good fun and I've become totally obsessed with getting my digitalpics developed. Not at work though, no. Far too expensive. Online, and I'm waiting for my first batch of pics tomorrow! They better be good!
Besides that, my brother'll be returning from his stay in the Bay Area on thursday. He's been away for a month and then some. I hear he's got me some cool stuff. Yarr yarr... (;
Oh and my Uncle Mike (in the bay area) and his family just yesterday, moved to New Zealand.
No more "Uncle Mike-card".
Here's a thought: maybe next time I won't be seen as a 14 year old and won't have to!
Nah, who am I kidding...
It's getting late and I'm kinda' just yabbing on about randoms.
Is this my blog? Yeah.
Is it dumb? Yeah!
Will I eventually actually delete it, as I've been meaning to so many times? Probably not...
Do I feel superior to others? Perhaps.
Do I have the right to? Probably not.
Does that affect me? No one bit.
Yes, it is pretty interesting and I can't wait to see the outcome of it all. But ubove that and all else I can't wait to escape for just a little while. In about 16 days we leave for England. To the Reading Festival (http://www.readingfestival.com)
Third year now and it just couldn't have come in a better time. Alot of great bands, loads of awsome people, dirty, hungry, always tired/smashed, free, timeless and without a single obligation.
"It's like breathing love" is how I described my first Reading experience and I stick to it.
Just 16 more days...
Do I have the money for it? Probably not.
Is that a problem? Perhaps.
Will that affect me being there? Not one bit.
All in all, it's been a good weekend. I love the people I'm blessed to have around me. And everytime I see them I feel excited to be able to call them my friends.
Marika: Just really; Thank you. It means so much. You mean so much.
And If there's anything I can ever do to repay you, don't ever hesitate to ask.
Whatevers? Yeah well I'm working at this photoplace now. It's been what, like 2 weeks? Yeah it's good fun and I've become totally obsessed with getting my digitalpics developed. Not at work though, no. Far too expensive. Online, and I'm waiting for my first batch of pics tomorrow! They better be good!
Besides that, my brother'll be returning from his stay in the Bay Area on thursday. He's been away for a month and then some. I hear he's got me some cool stuff. Yarr yarr... (;
Oh and my Uncle Mike (in the bay area) and his family just yesterday, moved to New Zealand.
No more "Uncle Mike-card".
Here's a thought: maybe next time I won't be seen as a 14 year old and won't have to!
Nah, who am I kidding...
It's getting late and I'm kinda' just yabbing on about randoms.
Is this my blog? Yeah.
Is it dumb? Yeah!
Will I eventually actually delete it, as I've been meaning to so many times? Probably not...
(100 truths) - This is dumb.
1. Real name = Jill Adam
2. Nickname = Jilly
3. Status = In a relationship
- What happened to 4?
5. Male or female = Female
10. Hair color = Light brown
- 11,12...? Whatever, this is dumb.
15. Are you a health freak = Not even a little bit...
16. Height = 160 cm
17. Do you have a crush on someone = Mhhm. (:
18. Do you like yourself = Mostly, but I have my moments...
19. Piercings = 2 on one ear, 5 the other, Belly button
20. Tattoos = 2
21. Righty or lefty = Righty
22. First surgery = None yet.
23. First piercing = Ears when I was a baby.
24. First Kiss: Yeah, I remember that one...
24. First best friend = Sandra, Ashley, Alex, Cathrine...
-24, 24?
26. First sport you joined = Yeah right!
27. First pet = Vivi my bunny!
28. First vacation = Uhh... Dunno. California probably sometime when I was little.
30. First crush = Yeah, I remember that one too... (:
49. Eating = Nothing... Hungry...
52. I'm about to = Make a phonecall.
58. Want kids? = Eventually probably. Twinboys.
59. Want to get married? = Probably.
60. Careers in mind? = Arghhh... No, I really don't know!
68. Lips or eyes = Eyes.
69. Hugs or kisses = Both. Love'em both.
70. Older Or Younger = Oh no, not younger. But not much older... Don't care.
71.Romantic or Spontaneous= Both, when the time is right.
73. Nice stomach or nice arms = Mmmm... Yeah.
74. Sensitive or loud = Both really. Or none?
75. Hook-up or relationship = Relationships.
77. Trouble maker or hesitant = A smart trouble maker?
78. Kissed a stranger = If I say I don't wanna say you'll asume I have and If I say No I'll be lying...
79. Drank bubbles = What? Ew...
80. Lost glasses/contacts = Yeah, all the time.
81. Ran away from home = Haha yeah. Lots of times when I was younger. Good times (;
-Dumb dumb dumb...
85. Been in trouble with the cops = Not really...
86. Turned someone down = Yeah
87. Cried when someone died = Never had someone really really close to me die. Thankfully.
88. Liked a friend = Yeah... My current relationship (;
89. Yourself?= Oh yeah.
90. Miracles = Do exist.
91. Love at first sight = Yea
92. Heaven = Yeah.
93. Santa Claus = YEAH!
94. Sex on the first date = Huh? What??
95. Kiss on the first date = This is dumb...!
96. Angels = Yes, I do believe in angels. I think they put this whole "Do you believe" bit into this just to find out if we believe in sex and kissing on the first date. Probably done by a guy...
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah. (:
98. Had More than one BF/GF at a time? Technically no. But sorta, yeah...
99. Do you make the first move? Totally depends on the situation but I'd rather not.
100. Repost as 100 truths? No. Because it's not!
2. Nickname = Jilly
3. Status = In a relationship
- What happened to 4?
5. Male or female = Female
10. Hair color = Light brown
- 11,12...? Whatever, this is dumb.
15. Are you a health freak = Not even a little bit...
16. Height = 160 cm
17. Do you have a crush on someone = Mhhm. (:
18. Do you like yourself = Mostly, but I have my moments...
19. Piercings = 2 on one ear, 5 the other, Belly button
20. Tattoos = 2
21. Righty or lefty = Righty
22. First surgery = None yet.
23. First piercing = Ears when I was a baby.
24. First Kiss: Yeah, I remember that one...
24. First best friend = Sandra, Ashley, Alex, Cathrine...
-24, 24?
26. First sport you joined = Yeah right!
27. First pet = Vivi my bunny!
28. First vacation = Uhh... Dunno. California probably sometime when I was little.
30. First crush = Yeah, I remember that one too... (:
49. Eating = Nothing... Hungry...
52. I'm about to = Make a phonecall.
58. Want kids? = Eventually probably. Twinboys.
59. Want to get married? = Probably.
60. Careers in mind? = Arghhh... No, I really don't know!
68. Lips or eyes = Eyes.
69. Hugs or kisses = Both. Love'em both.
70. Older Or Younger = Oh no, not younger. But not much older... Don't care.
71.Romantic or Spontaneous= Both, when the time is right.
73. Nice stomach or nice arms = Mmmm... Yeah.
74. Sensitive or loud = Both really. Or none?
75. Hook-up or relationship = Relationships.
77. Trouble maker or hesitant = A smart trouble maker?
78. Kissed a stranger = If I say I don't wanna say you'll asume I have and If I say No I'll be lying...
79. Drank bubbles = What? Ew...
80. Lost glasses/contacts = Yeah, all the time.
81. Ran away from home = Haha yeah. Lots of times when I was younger. Good times (;
-Dumb dumb dumb...
85. Been in trouble with the cops = Not really...
86. Turned someone down = Yeah
87. Cried when someone died = Never had someone really really close to me die. Thankfully.
88. Liked a friend = Yeah... My current relationship (;
89. Yourself?= Oh yeah.
90. Miracles = Do exist.
91. Love at first sight = Yea
92. Heaven = Yeah.
93. Santa Claus = YEAH!
94. Sex on the first date = Huh? What??
95. Kiss on the first date = This is dumb...!
96. Angels = Yes, I do believe in angels. I think they put this whole "Do you believe" bit into this just to find out if we believe in sex and kissing on the first date. Probably done by a guy...
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yeah. (:
98. Had More than one BF/GF at a time? Technically no. But sorta, yeah...
99. Do you make the first move? Totally depends on the situation but I'd rather not.
100. Repost as 100 truths? No. Because it's not!
Kick the baby...!
So we celebrated my birthday.

Just because Dennis took the pic, here's a special one for you...

(I won... ;-)
Charlotte was there! (:

And yes, there was OREO cake!!! :D

(I made it...)
And Jell-O shots!

(Yea, I made them too!)
Then today Acke and I went into the city to meet up Sofia, Oscar and Kicki.

Slapped up some Schubb stickers...

I dared Acke to...
Then we saw a rainbow!

So much more to say. Don't know where to start.
It's been a good two days. It's been a really good day.
I love my Stockholm. (:
But hey, sometimes you just miss some toiletpaper...

Just because Dennis took the pic, here's a special one for you...

(I won... ;-)
Charlotte was there! (:

And yes, there was OREO cake!!! :D

(I made it...)
And Jell-O shots!

(Yea, I made them too!)
Then today Acke and I went into the city to meet up Sofia, Oscar and Kicki.

Slapped up some Schubb stickers...

I dared Acke to...

Then we saw a rainbow!

So much more to say. Don't know where to start.
It's been a good two days. It's been a really good day.
I love my Stockholm. (:
But hey, sometimes you just miss some toiletpaper...
Vi glider, i sommar tider.
Med alla våra vänner och alla som vi känner.
Med en glass i hand sitter vi på en solig sandstrand!
Inge mera dystert skitsnack, inga intriger -
Vi glider.
So there you go. One step closer to death (30) but perfectly llegal all over the world.
And yes, I smoke another cigarette hoping I'll still look 20 when I'm 40.
Whatever. I couldn't care less. I just hope I'll make it 'till tomorrow.
There's nothing like taking life for granted. It'll come to bite your ass. Trust me.
This weekend's gonna be good. I can feel it!
Miss the boys though. Thanks for the phonecall Bams. Made my day. <3
I cuddled with the cookie monster because I'm good in bed.
month you were born
1 - I ate
2 - I needed
3 - I ran naked with
4 - I smoked with
5 - I called
6 - I danced with
7 - I cuddled with
8 - I licked
9 - I shot
10 - I kissed
11 - I built a sandcastle with
12 - I ran away with
the date you were born
01 - my lover
02 - a dog
03 - a teletubby
04 - super mario
05 - spongebob
06 - a toothbrush
07 - my boyfriend
08 - a glass of milk
09 - a pornstar
10 - Paris hilton
11 - santa clause
12 - a hottie
13 - a baby
14 - a drink
15 - a horse
16 - a shemale
17 - a rockstar
18 - a stripper
19 - a condom
20 - a crackhead
21 - a homeless guy
22 - my girlfriend
23 - the cookie monster
24 - an easter egg
25 - a bowl of cereal
26 - a golf ball
27 - a bag of weed
28 - your boss
29 - your mom
30 - a mop
31 - an oreo
color of shirt you are wearing
White - because that bitch stole my taco.
Black - because I'm sexy like that.
Pink - because I'm good in bed.
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs.
Blue - because I had to.
Polka Dots - because I hate my life.
Purple - because I'm gay.
Gray - because I love marijuana.
Green - because I take magic pills.
Yellow - because I'm leaving the country.
Orange - because that bitch called me fat.
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose.
Brown - because I'm a pimp.
Other - because I'm desperate.
Shirtless - because I've got abs.
1 - I ate
2 - I needed
3 - I ran naked with
4 - I smoked with
5 - I called
6 - I danced with
7 - I cuddled with
8 - I licked
9 - I shot
10 - I kissed
11 - I built a sandcastle with
12 - I ran away with
the date you were born
01 - my lover
02 - a dog
03 - a teletubby
04 - super mario
05 - spongebob
06 - a toothbrush
07 - my boyfriend
08 - a glass of milk
09 - a pornstar
10 - Paris hilton
11 - santa clause
12 - a hottie
13 - a baby
14 - a drink
15 - a horse
16 - a shemale
17 - a rockstar
18 - a stripper
19 - a condom
20 - a crackhead
21 - a homeless guy
22 - my girlfriend
23 - the cookie monster
24 - an easter egg
25 - a bowl of cereal
26 - a golf ball
27 - a bag of weed
28 - your boss
29 - your mom
30 - a mop
31 - an oreo
color of shirt you are wearing
White - because that bitch stole my taco.
Black - because I'm sexy like that.
Pink - because I'm good in bed.
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs.
Blue - because I had to.
Polka Dots - because I hate my life.
Purple - because I'm gay.
Gray - because I love marijuana.
Green - because I take magic pills.
Yellow - because I'm leaving the country.
Orange - because that bitch called me fat.
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose.
Brown - because I'm a pimp.
Other - because I'm desperate.
Shirtless - because I've got abs.
Tim McGraw
Where do you go when you're lonely?
Where do you go when you're blue?
Where do you go when you're lonely?
I'll follow you.
When the stars go blue...
"Weeds" marathon on channel 3. I'm on episode 6 now eventhough I swore to myself I'd be in bed by episode 3 the most. Tonight's a great night. Just hanging out with myself. This whole day has been pretty awsome actually, come to think of it. And yesterday. Yesterday was just a memory all on it's own.
Oh wow, do I ever love this beautiful Stockholm, and how I'll miss it when I'm gone.
Turning 21 soon... One week to go. Pretty scary. 9 years left to 30.
Dancing when the stars go blue.
Where do you go when you're blue?
Where do you go when you're lonely?
I'll follow you.
When the stars go blue...
"Weeds" marathon on channel 3. I'm on episode 6 now eventhough I swore to myself I'd be in bed by episode 3 the most. Tonight's a great night. Just hanging out with myself. This whole day has been pretty awsome actually, come to think of it. And yesterday. Yesterday was just a memory all on it's own.
Oh wow, do I ever love this beautiful Stockholm, and how I'll miss it when I'm gone.
Turning 21 soon... One week to go. Pretty scary. 9 years left to 30.
Dancing when the stars go blue.
It was just a passing time.
I'm not confused. I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm limping.
It's okay that our summernights are going darker with about 4 minutes a day.
Soon we'll be able to see the stars again.
It's okay that our summernights are going darker with about 4 minutes a day.
Soon we'll be able to see the stars again.
Wait wait! Hold up... Shut up!!! Cathrine, what do you reckon?
Oh, a one way ticket...
Really? ...
Baby, you're my midnight fantasy.

Ohhh yeah!
Really? ...
Baby, you're my midnight fantasy.

Ohhh yeah!