When In Rome...
... When In Life?
Yeah! I wanna try all these different kinds of jobs, see the sunset from all these different countries, pull all-nighters with my friends and drink all these different kinds of wines.
Yeah! I wanna have all these different dresses and jackets, dye my hair in all these different colors, dance at all these different clubs and meet new cool people.
Yeah... I wanna see beautiful places, sing great songs, play fun games, touch interesting things, breathe fresh air, laugh really hard, taste weird foods, cry sometimes, talk on the phone and whisper poems...
I'm in it right now. The change. I can feel it.
I can't wait for the outcome.
I have the best goddamn friends in the world.
Even if I don't see you all every day, I still love you very mucho...
Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?
Hold your breath.

They say quitters never win. We walk the plank on a sinking ship.
There's a room outside of my front door that gets all my dreams- oh...
En royal treat? Ja, ni har nödrimmet äntligen fått betydelse.
Champagne på kylning, choklad, frukt och jacuzzi på rummet...
Jag svär! Sexrätters middag! Va? Haha Ja, två gånger!
Vad många glas och bestick det fanns på bordet... Vinpaket? ...
Blev det för mycket? Jo, det blev ju det ;-)

Frukost på rummet... Javisst!

Så var det bastu och sen hopp i sjön. Jävla dumt... Så vi gjorde det igen.
Asså, jag svär!
Så hittade vi en hemlig dörr... Och det med massa äventyr!
Det var så mycket mer...
Och det var så mysmysmys. (:

Champagne på taket under en stjärnklar himmel.
Verkligen svin-kallt... Så vi gick in. Men glasen fick stå kvar.
Och jag som trodde att jag höll på och slarva bort mig själv... Jag har hittat ska ni se.
Det här är det verkliga livet.
Billy J.
Local News
Mayo, turkey and tomatoes...
Today's the day, HERE WE GO! :)
3 months ^^;
My lawyer made me change the name of this entry so I wouldn't get sued
I just wrote way too many words ment for you. But deleted them all, you're just not worth it.
Go ahead! Try me bitch, I dare you! (;
I can't wait 'till next weekend! Can't wait, can't wait, can't waiiiit!
Time goes by fast, yeah, we know this... But still, it's sometimes hard to grasp...
Month by month, minute by minute, It's You and Me now.
Well, 'till Christmas at least. ;-P
Look, readers... You all suck.
Because my life is way better than yours and my friends kick your friends asses!
I'll make it to Ida's sometime eventually. She's hot. Mmmmmmm....
Oh, and he claims he found Orions belt. I claim he didn't.
There, done.
<3 SCHUBB <3
Signing off,
Jilly Billy- Jillizz- Insidelingo- Cocktail- Jill Adam.
Btw, you gotta love the music! (;
Dear diary,
Manpower just hired me! :) Look at me smiling!
And also I love Allen Carr for getting and keeping me smokefree! Yup. 3rd day.
I kick ass like that! (;

Me and Sofia- Ni vet inte hur snygga vi är!
I finished reading that book last night.
I'm done!
Not just for this time, but for good... Done! :)
So sexy it hurts!

Again, thanks Dave.
Sometimes when you're flying
People try to shoot you down
Your laughing turns to crying
And your smile into a frown
The things that felt like sunshine
Can begin to feel like rain
But just one song, or one line
Can bring back the warmth again
You've been so happy and bright
I hope that doesn't stop
Fun chatting throughout the night
Is something i'll never drop
Times are always changing
But some things will remain
I change my mind about people
But of you I think the same
So remember to stay happy
Promise not to be sad
Think not of what is over
But of the memories that you had
I'm sure you will make new ones
Of that I have no doubt
You'll tell of things you've done
"It was CRAZY AWESOME" you will shout
So finally in closing
Promise you'll try to smile
Or i'll come over there and force a grin
If I have to swim each and every mile.
Positive Psychology
There's a simple thing you can do to if you want to paint a smile across your face.
Smile really wide, like a clown smile. Look up with your eyes to your forehead without moving your head.
Do it for five - ten seconds and see what happens when you let go...
This song goes out to You.
Yeah, it's pretty late and I really should be going to bed like, two hours ago. But I can't escape the thoughts and memories of everything and everyone from Reading. I could say sunday was the best out of all days... Just sitting in the grass with shorts and a tanktop, the sun hitting hot and awsome bands playing all damn day... Getting lost on our was back to the campsites at night after almost getting killed (yes I was very scared!) and seing everyone partying like there was no tomorrow. Trolly race! But that wouldn't be fair because that first wednesday night was pretty great too. Chilling in our tent, talking randoms and how our feet just synced in all harmony... Kimma went Bhudda on us. haha!
...But see that still won't be fair because almost every morning was great too for various reasons. And like everything else that I adore I just can go on and on but I'll try to stop myself now...
So I'm just sitting around now, eating grapes and reflecting upon, well, alot. And I've decided that I'm doing pretty damn good. I'm actually really happy. Everything seems to just work out and it's allowing me to totally live in the moments.
About my smoking... Well I don't know if you remember the book I was telling you about a few months back. I got this book "The easy way to quit smoking" by Allen Carr. And I read and read and read... Until I eventually understood that if I keep reading this I'll actually quit smoking! So I just stopped reading, a few chapters near the end...
And people have asked me "how's quitting going?" with taunting smiles on their faces, and eventhough I've felt like bitchslapping then accross their faces right on the spot I've taken a deep breath and replied something like " Well you see, I'm reading this book..."
So anyway, that question came from my brother two nights ago.
So I told him about the book, and him being a smoked too (not quite as bad as myself) was very sceptic. So he asked to borrow it. Yesterday morning I wake up and find the book with his pack of cigarettes in the kitchen table.
I got owned.
So now we know the book works.
Sure, I've heard the stories and read reviews and stuff... But now I've seen it.
I sure as hell will do it too. I'm going to start that book over and just read it right through, just like my heroic brother.
Allen Carr is a genious! - I say and light a cigarette...
I was over at Cats today and we baked an Oreo cake! Oh it was delicious! Thanks Cat for sharing that with me. And Thanks to Lisa too, you guys made my day!
Speaking of Cat, we need to congratulate her for her job! She's kicking some serious personal assistent ass and we're all so very proud!
Another person who deserves a congratts is Acke! Moving into his own place tomorrow! Can't wait for that party (:
So it's even later now and I really should get some sleep...
Thing is, I'm just living my life to the fullest and with You in it, it's just so easy.
Thankyouthankyouthankyou. <3
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive.
I loose myself pretty easily... From sitting and just being in the moment to only just a split second later being somewhere completely different, in every way possible. I go back to thinking the way I did at that particular time and all the emotions come back to me.
And I tend to stay there a while. I like it there, even if the place I've been thrown into isn't all that pleasant. I cosy up and feel all warm and fuzzy. Usually though, the memories are pretty great and I do all I can to maintain in those past moments.
...Like finding the songs I used to listen to during that period, digging up all the photos, reading stuff I wrote, reading stuff that was written to me...
Sometimes I go way back and dig far deep. Because sometimes... I find those memories so unbelievably fantastic and I have to reassure myself that they acutally happened... I love reliving every part of every great place and every great person and every awsome feeling they've left me with. ...
And life goes on! I still have so much more to experience, so much more to feel, see, do, touch, taste... It's amaising and I'm looking forward to tomorrow like I was born today!
Every song brings me closer. Every word, every photograph, scent, taste...
I always wanna be close...
Ha, just found another song. I'll be drifting off... (: