Ice Coffee
Ashley's coming in August now?
I might be going to Borås to visit Ida soon?
It's taking a new spin? Interesting...
Hello to You. (:
You Ate My Dog
Rock and Cult presents Moshpit Open!
Cat and I were videotaping the festival for the DVD coming out soon! Meaning, whoring around the bands, trying to get them to do something fun for the camera. Trying to get the emo kids to crack a smile was actually really very difficult so we focused on the bands and the crew - them being our friends- the DVD's gonna rock!
Really great to see the boys of Allstarkid again and finally get to see you play! Me likey! ;)
Chilling with the crowd, standing in here and there, filming both on and back-stage, meeting and greeting the bands... And eventually, when everyone had gone and the doors were closed... Cat and I had our own performance on stage. Haha too bad it wasn't cought on tape. Felt really drunk from being just so very tired. Spent around 14 hours at the park counting only yesterday. But we really shouldn't bitch, we wern't there today helping to clean up...
I could go into details, but I just read Cathrine's blog and she did so for you swedish readers-
see her site. (Find link to the right.)
Good work everyone!
We pulled through and it was a success! Too bad Schubb didn't play though...
Creds to Allstarkid, YouAteMyDog, Far Above (not so much for their music as for their personalities), Avdenture Kid and the other bands that kept it going eventhough the power went out and other mishaps.
Oh, I feel like listening to The Shins really badly right now... Let's do that. Kay, there. Done.
"New Slang" is just so soothing and gets me thinking of the movie Garden State.
Still one of my alltime favourite movies. Saw the Amelie movie tonight, that's going on my top 5 too.
I hear Ashley's down to visit sooner than expected! Maybe even next week?!
Gah, I can't wait to have you here, Belty!
As for the easy way to quit smoking... I've been taking time to read it, not yet through but it has me really interested. I'm all in for this experiment. Dying to find out if he can "cure" me, just as he supposedly has 95% of the ones having read the book. So far he's brilliant. He's really captures my intrest, I thought I'd be bored by now and smoking more than ever... But he's letting me smoke just as much as I always do while reading it, so I'm guessing he's got a brilliant plan. He calls it a "magic button", he hasn't pressed it yet, but he's prepairing me for it.
I love my morning coffee and cigarette though! Do I want to quit? Really? ... He has remedies for this kind of thinking, he keeps reminding me how I'm brain washed and I believe him. This smoking thing has to come to an end. Yeah. I really do want to quit. I really do. Lets do this Allen Carr, we can do it!
As for everything else... Oh well. I'm still smiling.
Haha whatever... Let's leave it at that.
... Lovely.
And a note that said...
I mean really, right?!
E-mails back and forth. I honestly still love them.
I miss my Starbucks coffee. Alot. Miss getting up early in the morning and ending up at Starbucks, people watching and writing. I miss the weather. It's alot like todays weather! In mid winter! :) I miss looking forward to fridays nights, knowing something spectacular's going to happen. I miss the actual fridaynights, in the mist of the magic. I miss my cousin Shante terribly. I miss our comedy nights, shopping days and The Cheesecake Factory! I miss all of his friends that soon became my friends. I miss roadtripping to Reno, I miss the actual shit going down in Reno... I miss sharing the insidejokes - oh, there were so many... I miss the fest of my family and friends back "home" too. I miss people saying my english is too propper (likewise), I miss people saying my english is too sloppy (the thingy on the ting). I miss having to proove to people I was from Sweden. I miss endless phonecalls with Mackan, Jason and Ashley about anything and everything. I miss the smells... I miss my room, my books and my bed. I miss going to sleep at night not knowing what tomorrow has to offer. I miss cerial. Oh god how I miss cerial! Fruitloops and Captain Crunch! And Airheads, Nerds, Ben&Jerry's Chocolatechip Cookiedough Icecream! And NO Jeff, NOT the one without sugar... Even with the munchies it's just not sufficient! ;) I miss New Years 2006-2007. I miss playing Wario on the Wii, intoxicated. I miss making dinner when Aunty Sharon just couldn't find time. I miss... Ohhhh... I miss Village Host Pizza. Miss jumping on the trampoline with Talia and Jacob. I miss meeting new cool people all the time, miss Jeffs apartment, his room-mate's doggy- he was such a joy to make fun of. I miss killing Thomas for the cupcakes, miss Straights - the only karaokebar that didn't ID at the door. I miss all the damn good times... Damn good...
...I could go on and on and on... Honestly.
I really do love the e-mails.
I guess I'm feeling a bit homesick.
But while there... The list of things, places and people I miss are pretty damn long too.
It's obviously about living in the moment. Even while here there are things about right here and now that I miss terribly. It's going to so awsome to have Ashley here for a few weeks. :)
Ouh, enough missing, yeah?
The "Looking Forwards" too:
* Moshpit Open on Saturday! (
* Mine and Sofias next rapsong coming out! ;)
* Our cruise next month!
* Ashley coming to visit!
* The trips planned! (Hungary, Gotland and ofc Reading Festival)
* A job... So I can make reality out of my dreams for travel...
Couldn't sleep - all of the above came to mind.
Nighty night. (:
Ps. And yeah... Sorry to disappoint you, but my friends are still better than yours! By far!
HEY all my friends and aquaintances, I've missed you! :)
So what's Jilly Billy been up to, you might all wonder?
-Naturally sinse you're reading this right now...
Uhm, well, where to start?
Oh, the Idol thing didn't go very well. We had a good time hanging out and stuff, but when it was my turn, my nervousness about being nervous kicked in and I was sooo nervous about being nervous. Yeah. I know... So I really made a fool out of myself and I'll probably be shown on TV as you know... One of those...
Haha, that's life for you! But thanks guys for pushing me anyway. I really had a great time! (:
This weekend was fun! We hung out with some old classmates from a while back, really great to see them all again! Weird phonecalls got us pretty freaked out tho'... Haha? Aside from that, a GREAT evening and I doubt anyone there could say any different. :) Saturday I helped out my boys, painting signs and whatever nots, for the Moshpit Open Festival this Saturday. Bring your tent and friends, come see bands and have a kickass time!
"Svin-random vilket pepp det blir på härket!"
I got this book called "The easy way to quick smoking" by Allen Carr and this book is supposed to work like magic. We'll see. If it does I'll be getting every smoker I know this book. I guess I'm kinda' hoping this'll be it. Pretty stupid to rely on a book but I'm sick and tired of smoking, and really, I can't afford it so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
As for my routines... I havn't decided on when they actually start? So I've been prosponing them, as the routine type-person I am... Right. Well, I'll keep you posted on that note as well.
Ashley's arrival here in Stockholm seems to be around early July and I can't wait! Gah!
Oh, dear diary, there's so much really, I don't know where to begin.
Maybe I'll just leave it at that for now and collect my thoughts later this evening.
Heron tonight. See you later!
Endlessly, She said
So here I sit. With my glass of white whine, glistening. And tonight it's looking unbelievably ravishing. My music is playing softly in the background as I'm full of thoughts.
So completely uplifted. It's this feeling that I cannot describe.
Not last night and not tonight...
I've tried for about 17 minutes now, only to delete it all for the sake of inadequacy.
AFI - Arenan 12/5 - 2007
Fuckin' magical...
Again, and like always nowadays ... I feel so damn busy.
I'm not sure what exactly it is that I'm doing with my time really, but I very rarely get the chance to just sit down for a moment and breathe. Like, really breathe...
I've realized I'm the only one to blame so my days of complete and utter extrovertism must come to end.
So some new routines will now enter my life and I plan on sticking to them religiously.
I like to think.
But lately I've felt as if I have no time for even just that. I havn't thought in a long time.
Hectic, not only physically but yeah, menthally too.
From early yesterday morning - afternoon and especially night, I thought alot.
Thank you so much Marika. I really appreciate all your support (and humor ;) !
Also worth mentioning tonight are Cat and Dennis.
Yeah... I did.
I auditioned for Idol - 2007. And I went on to the second round! Ha!
So now, thursday is the big day.
-So bug gulps, huh?
Save your scissors for someone elses skin
Writing never takes the place of living.
But I need her arms, I need her smile again.
You put yourself in this position.
I'll wait this out.
In the end, the true ones will still be at my side.
You can have the rest. I don't want them anyway.
I just never thought you'd be one of them...

But through the tangled thread the needle finds a way...
Live for the nights...
A beautiful day in the beautiful sun with a beautiful person.
Saturday was great and I couldn't thank you enough.
Yesterday I cleaned out a space I hadn't looked through for about 7-8 years.
Always adding new things throughout the years but never throwing anything away.
I remember why I kept that golfball, who sent me those cards, left me those notes.
I remember why I kept that chocolate wrap, saved the gloves, all the tamaguchies.
There was just so much there...
I guess I had trouble going through it all, deciding on what to keep and what get rid of.
How does one put something in the trash that's ment so much in the past?
But I did. I finally did. Not all of it of course. Not even alot of it... But I did my best.
Last night we tried to end the game of Kuri Kuri. We're were so close, we could feel it!
But naturally Cathrine had to leave for work (Read work in a highpitch-nazal tone of vioce), so we didn't defeat that boss. Funny how we can get on eachothers nerves, yell, be dramatically sarcastic and even almost evil to eachother for just the sake of beating this goddamngame! Haha...
Oh, Ashley's coming to visit soon!
Bringing the Bay Area to Stockholm to show them what it's all about!
Live for the nights you'll never remember with the friends you'll never forget.
I guess it'll all work out.
Does one ever go numb?
I miss you terribly...
. . .
This will always make me smile.
And as things go as they shouldn't
It'll all be worth while.
Looking back is pointless
Just keep on walking straight.
The future will be spotless
As we learn from our mistakes.
Jill Adam
For you: [Waleborg - 2007]
I'll try just letting my thoughts draw you a picture of what's currently going on.
Hold on, let me just go get my cigarettes.
Alright. Comfy.
So I was really crabby yesterday. Anything anyone said was just the wrong thing to say and I'd frown.
I was hoping I'd get rid of that by a good night sleep... And I was fine this morning. But then it cought up with me and again, crabby... Not as bad, but still. Unhappy Jilly.
Happy Waleborg... >.<
Let me take you through a Valborg walkthrough.
A few years back when I was graduating 9th grade, I stumbled upon a school in Uppsala where I thought I'd continue my studies. Forsmark. Ahh man, if you saw this place you'd want to go back to school right away.
Such a beautiful and peaceful place. Small cottage-like houses placed perfectly around small green hills. A bigger house for the restaurant- no more nasty school lunches. Water surrounded the entire place. Lakes and I think even a bit of sea. Small waterfalls... What a dreamy place!
Now this school had a really high status which drew students from all across Sweden.
And just a short bus trip away were the dorms. We went there and had a look around.
Seemed really very cool. Got to know some people and found out some friends also know people going to the school...
Oh, beautiful!
But somehow I decided I didn't want to go there. Naturally I regret it today. But I was so much wiser back then...
So anyway. The following year, Valborg 2004 me and some friends packed up and went to stay at the dorms for the BBQ'ing and crazyness going on there. Good times... (:
Time goes on, you meet some new friends and loose some old ones.
Natural course of life I suppose...
Uppsala again for Valborg 2005, this time we stayed in the core of all the action. Downtown Uppsala. We had no party planned, no real contacts. Really, we went up there hoping to find people we'd party with. So while talking to some people the police come up to us, see we're not 20 yrs old which means not legally permitted to have alcohol. And noy even 18 yrs old - not legally permitted to be drinking at all- and pour out all our alcohol...
Sucky ass Waleborg, you'd think...
Yeah. If we hadn't met the people we met of course! They really quickly matched our previously owned liqour and compensated us with even some more... Fuckin madness! ...
The people we met, the places we went, the things we did and said... Haha man...
Now to where the word Waleborg actually came to life.
Ireland, Dublin. Waleborg 2006.
Sat on a sidewalk with some booze in a brown paper bag and simply wished people a Happy Waleborg!
In to the city. Wow... So totally intoxicated and fascinated by every person, clothing, corner of everything! Ended up at, yeah believe it or not, a swedish party! In Dublin! All Swedes celebrating Valborg! Good stuff. :)
After that things sorta' went black but it probably kicked arse...
Madness really...
So what year is it now? I really keep forgetting. I signed an important paper with the year 2006 a few weeks ago.
Uhm... 2007, that's right. And it's Valborg.
The plan was that cottage. ...Ah, next weekend or the following, right guys? :)
Instead I went to a very nice dinner at Sofias, talked shit with some great people and smoked some waterpipe.
Driving down the hill, passing the water just by Sofias house, I see my brother and all his friends. We stop and hang out there for a little while. They had a fire going, drinking, hanging out, rap battles and whatever not...
If I hadn't been driving tonight, that's where I'd stay... So damn comfortable and cosy.
But yeah. Didn't stay too long, so that's about it.
My phone went mad on me, quelle surprise!
Where will I be in a year from now? Valborg 2008?
It's sometimes a bit scary thinking about it...
Do we really have to grow up?
Still a bit crabby, still not knowing where I wanted this to lead...
What am I typing this for really?
. . .
Nah, I got it now.
Never regret something that once made you smile.
Happy Waleborg! (: