For you: [Waleborg - 2007]

I actually have nothing to write about tonight.
I'll try just letting my thoughts draw you a picture of what's currently going on.
Hold on, let me just go get my cigarettes.

Alright. Comfy.
So I was really crabby yesterday. Anything anyone said was just the wrong thing to say and I'd frown.
I was hoping I'd get rid of that by a good night sleep... And I was fine this morning. But then it cought up with me and again, crabby... Not as bad, but still. Unhappy Jilly.
Happy Waleborg... >.<
Let me take you through a Valborg walkthrough.

A few years back when I was graduating 9th grade, I stumbled upon a school in Uppsala where I thought I'd continue my studies. Forsmark. Ahh man, if you saw this place you'd want to go back to school right away.
Such a beautiful and peaceful place. Small cottage-like houses placed perfectly around small green hills. A bigger house for the restaurant- no more nasty school lunches. Water surrounded the entire place. Lakes and I think even a bit of sea. Small waterfalls... What a dreamy place!
Now this school had a really high status which drew students from all across Sweden.
And just a short bus trip away were the dorms. We went there and had a look around.
Seemed really very cool. Got to know some people and found out some friends also know people going to the school...
Oh, beautiful!
But somehow I decided I didn't want to go there. Naturally I regret it today. But I was so much wiser back then...
So anyway. The following year, Valborg 2004 me and some friends packed up and went to stay at the dorms for the BBQ'ing and crazyness going on there. Good times... (:

Time goes on, you meet some new friends and loose some old ones.
Natural course of life I suppose...
Uppsala again for Valborg 2005, this time we stayed in the core of all the action. Downtown Uppsala. We had no party planned, no real contacts. Really, we went up there hoping to find people we'd party with. So while talking to some people the police come up to us, see we're not 20 yrs old which means not legally permitted to have alcohol. And noy even 18 yrs old - not legally permitted to be drinking at all- and pour out all our alcohol...
Sucky ass Waleborg, you'd think...
Yeah. If we hadn't met the people we met of course! They really quickly matched our previously owned liqour and compensated us with even some more... Fuckin madness! ...
The people we met, the places we went, the things we did and said... Haha man...

Now to where the word Waleborg actually came to life.
Ireland, Dublin. Waleborg 2006.
Sat on a sidewalk with some booze in a brown paper bag and simply wished people a Happy Waleborg!
In to the city. Wow... So totally intoxicated and fascinated by every person, clothing, corner of everything! Ended up at, yeah believe it or not, a swedish party! In Dublin! All Swedes celebrating Valborg! Good stuff. :)
After that things sorta' went black but it probably kicked arse...
Madness really...

So what year is it now? I really keep forgetting. I signed an important paper with the year 2006 a few weeks ago.
Uhm... 2007, that's right. And it's Valborg.
The plan was that cottage. ...Ah, next weekend or the following, right guys? :)
Instead I went to a very nice dinner at Sofias, talked shit with some great people and smoked some waterpipe.
Driving down the hill, passing the water just by Sofias house, I see my brother and all his friends. We stop and hang out there for a little while. They had a fire going, drinking, hanging out, rap battles and whatever not...
If I hadn't been driving tonight, that's where I'd stay... So damn comfortable and cosy.
But yeah. Didn't stay too long, so that's about it.
My phone went mad on me, quelle surprise!

Where will I be in a year from now? Valborg 2008?
It's sometimes a bit scary thinking about it...
Do we really have to grow up?
Still a bit crabby, still not knowing where I wanted this to lead...
What am I typing this for really?

. . .
Nah, I got it now.
Never regret something that once made you smile.

Happy Waleborg! (:

Dear diary,

I think I got myself fired!
Not sure yet but I'm keeping my fingers crossed! (;

The weather is really looking up, bringing alot with it! Coffee is tasting so good lately!
Yeah, there's something about having a cup of coffee back in the Bay Area... But damn how I love sitting on the balcony with the sun on my face, having a nice warm cup of coffee in the morning... Right here in Stockholm.

Wow, so much going on right now...

Just chillin'... With the best people in the world. You guys just keep surprising me...
Thanks all for this whole week. I'm still just hitting new highs. (:
Not alot beats Torekällberget in the middle of the night with the best group of friends... And cookies!

Apparently I'll be fading out this weekend ...
Leaving me to already wish you a Happy-Fuckin-Waleborg!

Billy J.

Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there. With open arms and open eyes...

The other night I sent you hearts.
You've now been stamped as really great people.
You all are very special to me and mean alot in various ways.
So don't you ever come to doubt.
You all kick ass.

What a great weekend.
Just chilled. Yeah, been chilling mostly! (;
Met up with alot of people breefly. Cat and I just did our thing.
McDoogles in the middle of the might followed by a visit at this party before leaving to come home and talk shit watching Scrubs all night... A whole weekend of hours like that, just chilling.

Going over to Jossans in just a little bit to try my luck out.
Maybe I'll win a car? >.<

Jilly Billy.

Oh and a big welcome all new readers! (:


As it's always been, as it will always be.
As simple as that.
Enjoy it.

Summer of 2006

t's pretty amazing how so many memories can come back to you by just a scent.

Summer of '06
Good times. (:

Workers Creek

I can't count how many times I've almost, ALOT of things at work...
It's like my subconscious wants me to fuck up good in order to get fired.
I do. I do want to get fired. Oh my, how I do want to get fired...
So many times I've almost dropped a tray with carrots or corn, forgotten an order, yelled back to the boss or been snotty to a customer. Almost; key word.
I don't know how I'd manage to get up everyday for that place if it wern't for Maria, co-worker and a blessed child!
So obviously I'm jobhunting.
I used to be picky about what job I'd do. Now that I'm experiencing the worst, anything else seems like such a joy and pleasure! I'll be e-mailing out several applications and keeping my fingers crossed.

You never know what you had 'till it's gone?
I left Café Nova and that area for a week for this new job and they realized how important I was and how much they'd miss me if I left. Ha, I'm loved! ^^ So if everything goes through (omg how I hope it does!) I'll be working there full time starting August. Just doing what I love. Being creative in all sorts of ways!
I did take that course, remember? (;

Stayed home, sick today...
Got my hair cut, plucked my eyebrows and sold a necklace I made!
Staying home, sick tomorrow too.
Tomorrow's just a mystery away.

I'm almost done recording the song and halfway through writing a new one!

Billy J.

I miss you darling...

All time first high...

This past week has been very so moody.
As easy as it is to take something or somebody for granted, it's even easier to take a feeling for granted.

You know what it's like to be in one place or another. Why would it change, when it's always been the same?
It's always been the same. You know what it's like to get on the train, bus or car on your way to work. You know how you'll feel. Same as maybe groceryshopping, going to the pub or seeing your best friend. Sure, situations may vary but basically, it's the same old game.
Just as it is with new people.
You meet someone new and you immediately get the feel of the person.
You automatically know how to act, react and interact with this person. It'll stay the same.
Naturally emotions may change as you're getting to know the person, but the same feel will still be there.
Making any sense?

So one morning, a few days ago, my feel toward the people I met was different. Not bad-different or good-different... Just different.
It almost felt like I was living the life of someone else. Somebody elses feel.
I "snapped" out of it eventually, after many hours. But still, it had me thinking...
Why had that happened? What had triggered it?
My mind wondered to dreams... How is it that for every dream, our feel is completely different?
We're still the same person? Probably seeing and doing things pretty far from reality, but even so?

I've come to no conclusion yet, tho' I've realized just how simple it is to be... Just ourselves.
We are who we are, we think the way we think and we feel the way we do.
This comes naturally, nothing we think about really.
But if we did. If we did actually think about it more often... How we are, think and feel... And why.
Maybe we would we start to notice changes?
...Or maybe we'd get bored with it quickly.

Yea, this week has been moody.
The scale of my life doesn't ever seem to hit a low.
Just reaching new highs for every magical moment.
If I even started about last night I'd be here typing for hours... The word spectacular will have to do. Thank you.
And Friday...  Just loved every minute of it.

On the other hand I seem to have lost someone. I don't know where you are? What happened?
I'll be here, waiting for your call.

Workworkwork tomorrow... Oh my... Better go get some sleep.
So good night, for the last time. Tonight. (:
Jill Adam

Look, I found it! (;

Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground

Hangin' round downtown by myself
And I had so much time
To sit and think about myself
And then there she was
Like double cherry pie
Yeah there she was
Like disco superfly
I smell sex and candy here
Who's that lounging in my chair
Who's that casting devious stares
In my direction
Mama this surely is a dream

Some time, barely enough, to catch my breath.
Probably just as well.
Found out an old friend is coming back in town pretty soon. I wonder what that's going to be like...
Just as I learned another friends home isn't with mine.
He won't hear that song. But that's okay. I wrote it for me.

Stayed up pretty late last night playing videogames with two of my gorgeous friends.
Started around midnight and went on 'till about 7 am. Played some more when we woke up.

Oh, the cruise...
Still havn't yet gotten the full picture of what really happened after 2 am...
What happens on Cinderella, stays on Cinderella. ;)

Life's still as beautiful...
I'll get there.


Sometimes when you're flying
People try to shoot you down
Your laughing turns to crying
And your smile into a frown

The things that felt like sunshine
Can begin to feel like rain
But just one song, or one line
Can bring back the warmth again

You've been so happy and bright
I hope that doesn't stop
Fun chatting throughout the night
Is something i'll never drop

Times are always changing
But some things will remain
I change my mind about people
But of you I think the same

So remember to stay happy
Promise not to be sad
Think not of what is over
But of the memories that you had

I'm sure you will make new ones
Of that I have no doubt
You'll tell of things you've done
"It was CRAZY AWESOME" you will shout

So finally in closing
Promise you'll try to smile
Or i'll come over there and force a grin
If I have to swim each and every mile

Thank you Dave.

What's my age again?

Vikingline - Ms Cinderella
Departure: 18:00
April 7th - 8th 2007

Jillizz & Sowfie go Emelie & Jennifer
Holy shmoly. It's time for round two!

Music. It's such a big part of my life...
So nowadays apparently, I'm working at Nancy's (former Sandy's).
Honestly, it's pretty damn stressful, annoying and exhausting...
But when I'm back there, thinking about how much I want to spit in the food, how badly I just want to be rescued... (Basically, just being stupid and contributing to the inflamed atmosphere.)
...I hear MTV playing a song I like, a song I have memories to, a song I know the lyrics of...
And a smile is instantly painted upon my face!
And during those few minutes, I'm somwhere completely different and/or I just have a greatest job in the world. What an impact music has on me. On the world!

And yes, sometimes music can have the exact opposite effect just as well...
How could one not want to be a part of it, to create it?
I love it :)

Last night was alot of fun. I met up with some old friends, the gang of... 2003 was it?
Ah man, those were some good times, I tell ya. :)
As the evening progressed we were all about old memories... Thanks guys, for last night!
And as we said, we have to create some new memories too! I'm in.

I need to update my iPod but I'm feeling just too lazy for it! Some speakers are going to be packed along for the cruise so we have our own party space in the cabin. Oh, it's going to be so great!
I didn't get the pictures from last time around, the shopping cart adventures on the second floor... But this time I guarantee there will be pics of our late night randoms! My camera isn't leaving my side! :)

I didn't really find what I was looking for, tonight...
But I'm sure I'll find a way to make this evening sparkle.

. . .
Oh yeah, totally! 

I ended up making some pancakes and had them with icecream and chocolate syrup. yummie...

Also I was on the phone with a close friend of mine.
In fact, the coolest person in the world (that I know )!
Pretty rad being as just a few months ago we didn't know eachother at all and couldn't care less.
A two and a half hour convo later... I'm back sitting here. Pretty much ready to go to bed.
I had my evening sparkle.

Tomorrow... There'll be an explosion! Stay tuned!

Keep the fire ever blazing.

I'm no longer holding the stair rail for balance.

Now, I'm holding it for a different reason.

So sometimes things happen. You don't know how or why.

Some people call it 'a part of a plan', others use 'coincidence'.
Which ever terminogoly you choose, you're sometimes put in these random positions. Ones that you hate, love or something in between, and you really have no idea how or why you're there.
Because, you see... For you, the world revolves around You.
It's really all about You getting all you can out of life, until the last drop has fallen. And that meaning, experiencing every single emotion as many times as possible during one lifetime.

It's pretty rapid right now and to use the word "love" feels like an understatement...
But I'm really inlove with the times passing before us right now.
Looking forward to spending life, until the last drop, with you.

Yours affectionatly
Jill Adam


The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star.

Yesterday  - Today. It's been like a weekend in the middle of the week!
And to think that tomorrow's Friday and I get to have it all over again! (:

Change, yes. That's what's happened. But in a far different way than expected.
I won't seem to learn that life is playing in my favour. In our favour.
I guess sometimes I feel frightened that it's all going to end. That this little bubble of joy, of fulfilment,  is going to burst... So maybe it's not a bubble. Maybe this is just the way it is.
It's pretty cool, this feeling. (:

So I finally got to drive the new car yesterday! Unbelievable isn't it?
Met the girls on the brigde and talked alot of shit. Enjoying the sun alot, we ended up sitting there for a while... Some windowshopping, cigarettes and weird pants later, we parted.
Only to pick up Bamsi. The sun was still out, we were going to our place. Phonecalls got us sidetracked. But it was okay that the sun was already setting when we finally got there, we had Johani with us! Enjoying the food and atmosphere... Up and go!
... Acke's now my personal trainer. Ha, yeah! I have one of those!
We went out running. Yeah really, I went out running! He had to do alot of pushing... And there was yelling, angry comments and sarcastic remarks... But I was really out running!
After moving my body way too many kilometres, way too fast, we ended up climbing this little house, sitting on the roof. Clear sky. It was really cool. (:

So today I woke up and ran some errands. Came back home and had some lunch...
And you wanna know what else I did after that?
I went out running again! By my self! Just because I wanted to! (Expecting applause.)
And as if that wasn't enough, I met up with Marika and we went swimming!
Hey, beach 2007 is coming up... (;
Just leaving the pools, Acke calls us over for dinner.
He then read a bedtimestory for us...
A childernsbook about a drunk guy who forgot to feed his cat. I can't wait to see how the next generation's going to turn out! Oh and also, there was Kinder!

... And all the details about these days that I couldn't fit into this blog even if I tried. It's really all about the details. Thanks guys. For such an awsome time.
I feel so fuckin' good, it's crazy. If only there was a way to repay Life?

But I guess you can't have everything, every little detail...
That's okay. I feel comfort in Life, opening new doors.

Yeah, whatever. (: Nighty Night.


Jill Adam

Ex friends 'till the end.

I met this really amazing man today.
... Yeah. He was really very cool.

Cat and me had just gotten back from our lunchbreak of day two at the dump, and there, behind the recycling containers, stood this man with his bicycle. Within the matter of minutes he had us captured, already deep into his life story. About growing up during the occupation of World War 2, 1941 Slovania. He used to live on this farm, chicken, cows, close neighbours...
This one day a cock had gotten on top of a hen... This had upset little Ludwig and he had pushed the cock away.
(Done laughing about the sentence above? Good.)
Anyway, his mother had told him to not do that again. If he does then there will be no chicken!
- Ok...

So a few days later he was on the field among the cows. One cow had gotten on top of another and Ludwig had gotten upset, again. He whipped the bull who then ran away.
His mother had told him to not do that again. If he does there will be no calf!
- Ok...

Little Ludwig went to school the following days and they were going deep into christianity.
Everything was just fine and he was learing things. Their teacher was this catholic preist.
When he told the class Mother Mary had gotten pregnant by the holy spirit...
Little Ludwig had stood up infront of the class, saying that wasn't true. That's just not how it works!

Needless to say, Little Ludwig had gotten in trouble for his statement.
Something about the preist pulling him by his tounge around the whole classroom.
He described it as torture.

So eventually the whole town had heard about what little Ludwig had done... That weekend all the neighbours and townpeople had come over to his house to listen to him tell the story. Everyone really amazed.

I'm sitting here, still refecting upon his stories.
He was really very cool.

There's alot going on in my life nowadays. I don't know how it all ended up like this but it has and I'm glad.
The "new" is now becoming more of a "comfortable"... More of an "interesting" and an "insightful".
And eventhough "new" is more of a "fun", the "interesting" and "insightful" is actually more of a "comfortable".

But maybe things will change. And maybe even in the not too distant future...
I don't know. It's beyond my control.
Though, I feel a change coming up and I'm not sure what to think of it.
Jealousy is something really strong, sometimes making people act in ways they, themselves, could't even picture.
I'll draw you a map of the drama. Actually, I'll need it too.

Hoping for a nightly recap with my brother tonight. He's actually not half bad!
It's funny how I'm just starting to get to know him and we've lived under the same roof for 20 years.

A.K.A Lennart!

Au contraire!

Watch me stike a match on all my waisted time!

So the first day at the garbage place!
Cat, how do we always have such a great time? (:
How HOT are we?


Yeah, really. My nametag reads: Lennart. How great isn't this job?
1/4 workdays at the dump, done. I think I might actually miss it when it's over.
Haha, who would've thought?

So... I left a chunk of my life at work (Cafe Nova) and was totally limited this weekend.
Crabby, naturally... Change of plans.
Acke and Cathrine ended up coming over for a rerun of "Where's your car dude?!" ... Dude, it's a lama.

I miss you Mackan. Miss talking to you as often as I used to. I miss having you just a phonecall away...
You're pretty awsome. (: See you this summer!  You better make it to Reading too!

Signing off, again, really happy.
...And a bit hungry... Cheesecake Factory, anyone?
Jill Adam

camping out far in late april

I don't know what I want. So don't ask me.
'Cuz I'm still trying to figure it out.
Don't know what's down this road. I'm just walking
Trying to see throught the rain coming down.

The following lines in the song describe how lonely this girl's feeling.

I'm alone, on my own. And that's all I know.
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong. Oh but life goes on.
I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.

I hate that the song had to take that turn.
It made it so that I went from totally relating to not relating at all.
I'm not alone.
I have some really great people around me; not asking me what I want, where I'm going...
But walking there right next to me, holding my hand, helping eachother see through the rain.

I'm almost jealous of me, and I AM me! (;
It's really such a surreal feeling. But I'm having one of those nights tonight... Where everything's like, either really emotional or really really weird. Mostly really emotional.
I'm so damn lucky.

Dave sent me the album I've been secretly thinking about ever since I came back from the states.
It's so great. So I'm just sitting here, feeling really good, listening to the words that were my best friend for about 12 straight hours on the plane ride back home.
To think how emotions can change in just, well what's it been? 5 weeks...
The words that made me cry on the plane, are now making me smile...
Yeah... Life keeps opening doors to explore.
And I'm not alone in my search, I've got really cool people with me.
Thanks Dave. I really appreciate it.

You're beautiful, every little piece, love.
And don't you know, you're really gonna be someone.
Ask anyone.
When you find everything you looked for, I hope your life leads you right to my door.
Oh, but if it don't...
Stay beautiful.

About; blank.

Why is it that everytime I sit down to update my blog, I suddenly really have to pee?

Today was a good day. Was it? ...Yeah, it was.
Cathrine came over about 5 minutes after I'd woken up. I was supposed to be ready to leave for our interview, but naturally I snoozed one too many times. No shower, just tied my hair up and drove to get the jobs at the garbageplace! That's right. We owned it!
So on Saturday and a four days ahead, you'll be able to see us asking people a bunch of recycling questions and just really looking good, working the orange overalls for good money!
Living the eurpoean dream...

This weekend was great!
Started off at Jossans place. Drank alot of wine. Alot, alot, alot... Went to the club, we were on the list, but it sucked. Didn't really give us any advantages. Anyhow, got in and danced, danced, danced... Drank and danced...
Eventually leaving for, naturally, Centralbaren.
Met up with Acke, Bams and his girls.
Leaving pretty quickly, but where to?

a) Sleazy -rich-upperclass- backslick- businessboy-dork?
b) Bamoramas?
c) Acke's place?

We couldn't make up our minds and when we finally did we realized our options had left, so we were off to Acke's place. Loved playing around in the playground just outside... (:
Some song about a loved one being described as a firecracker put us all to sleep pretty quickly...
...Only to wake up 20 minutes later by a really crabby Cathrine.
Really crabby.  And she wanted to leave. At, what was it, 4 am?
So I hid her shoes, and mine, which are identical btw, and her bag. She wasn't going anywhere at that time. So she pouted even more and didn't want to spoon with us.
FINE! Be that way! You suck anyway.

Woke up, sunday. Great day. Snoozed, got up, snoozed some more... We got hungry. Went to the best place to get Kebab, fortunately only a few seconds away! Enjoyed it so very much, watching some really... "intreserting" swedish film...

Tonight isn't over yet. My brother will join me pretty soon for a nightly recap. Or a "ritual", whatever you wish to call it.

Thanks everybody for making this weekend what it was.

(Acke, sorry for option A... It's pretty funny tho' when you think about it. ;)

Love you slut! (;

March 17th. Bed; Before and after.

02:26 am
[ What I did today and what my day was like... ]


But then I came home and I put som really great music on.
So here I'm sitting, in my zebra-striped pyjamapants, a top that doesn't match at all and my hair tied up in a really messy ponytail.


Adventures and routines have been the main topics of the day. I like these topics, and I also like the ones I've discussed them with.
Really I have nothing new to add to my list of accomplishments.
I'm kinda' just levitating, feeding off of all my experiences and memories.

Not many people get to have the memories I have.
Not many people get to experience the things I get to experience.

Everyone's gone to bed. I'm up alone with only my vanilla scented candles as company.
So I'm lighting a cigarette, singling quietly along to the music in the background and just smiling!

The weather is looking up, bringing forth alot of moods and emotions that've been put aside.
Stockholm, photographing, interviews, baking, chatts, random textmsg's, talks, songs and play.
Play. Alot of play. (:

Applepie never tasted as good, my Stockholm never looked as beautiful and not getting a job was never as fun!

4:58 pm

Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen!

Cathrine and I are invited over to Jossans place tonight for drinks before heading out! Apparently VIP on the list to the place I've never been to; Hamnmagasinet. It's gonna be a great night, I can feel it! (:

I washed the new car today... Yeah, I did and it's spotless clean! But do I ever get to drive it? Not so much...
After that we headed out to for groceries, and I saw something really interesting. I couldn't take my eye off it. I should've grabbed it and tried it out! (;

This is the easy life.
This is the simple life baby.
And you may be just what I have always been searching for.
A life through an open door, darling.
Let us go there you and I.

Ah yeah... You still make me smile. Bittersweet? No not even...


But I have to put the past aside now. 
I'll keep the photographs and our inside jokes very present, all to myself. Mostly because I can. 
The chance of a lifetime.
Past aside now...

Ending this blog entry with a few photos from this past week. (:







You're bringing out the best in me.

Flames to dust, lovers to friends... Why do all good things come to an end?

What an evening!
What a week!
What an excitement!
What a lucky girl I am...

My friends just never seize to surprise me...

I really recomend Cathrines blogg; .
(To the swedish readers of you.)
It's so refreshing and lively. (:

I decided to try to stop being so sentimental and vulnreable in my blogg. To try not to be"artsy " and "poetic".
Don't know why though, but It felt like more of a hassle trying to be anything but that...
I like writing about emotions.
I like knowing the fact that I have alot of readers and that this is my spot for your attention, as you sit down to read this.
So I naturally feel like I really want to talk with you. To like, share something with you.
So yeah, I can tell you about my day; where I went and when. Who I saw and what we said... Yeah!
But I could also go past that, and instead share what I learned.
I like writing about emotions... So I realized ... Being artsy and poetic, maybe isn't that bad.

Sentimental and vulnreable, here I am... I really truly have the best friends in the world. Really. And sometimes even brother! (; You guys really rock!

On a night like this I really miss the greatest cousin in the world, my Shantig.
For all the good times, every single one of them... Awsome. You should've been here with us tonight. (: We had such a great time. And maybe brought Jeff and T.C. We had one of those nights tonight, you know? You should've really been here... I miss you guys so terribly...

A shoutout to my homeboy Dave, (aka. "Brittish Dave") ! :D
Congratts to moving out! We'll all come to visit soon and you can't say you won't have room for us because you told me there could fit 5 Jills in your bed! ;) x

Jill Adam

[ > The Best In Me.  It's song from the heart.]

Shante Adam

Miss Princess, where you headed today?

Tonight I've put the past chapters aside.
I've filled in the last lines, that were missing for so long, and put them away.
What a feeling!

I like to pick up the book every now and then though, and flip through the pages. It's interesting to see how not only myself but people around me change.
Some for the better, some for the worse. Sometimes the one way other times the other.
While deep into it, it's hard to figure out what's right and what isn't. Hence the many unwritten endings to lifes chapters. They just kinda' stay, linger... You know?

Tonight. Many plans, none which I followed through. My mind and body have been too caught up in grasping this current chapter, wondering if this should need a book of it's own.
It's like we're all jumping, constantly, not knowing where we're landing. Holding hands thought, safe.
Experiencing new feelings, settings and logic- all together.

Realizing tonight, this new book needs it's own space.
I spent some time reviewing myself and the people belonging to my past.
Some I contacted for confirmation, that my insight was correct and put an exclamationpoint after their sentence.
Others I had felt no desire to contact, infact, deleted the ways of contact, and put simply a dot after their name.

Life is a funny thing, and I love that I get to explore it with some of the worlds greatest people!

So for tonight I again put the book aside. Until the sequel...
I can't wait to see where we end up, why and delete all the next questionmarks.
Miss Princess, where you headed today?

Will we still be holding hands, jumping?
Or have we safely landed?

Bay Bridge - Jill Adam

Just one of those nights. (:

I love the e-mails. I can't wait for more of them to come...

So tonight's just one of those nights...
I basically just don't wanna do anything but catch my breath. It's been a hectic week, gone by so fast.
Hectic, as in a good hectic. Time flies when you're having a good time! Yeah, totally.

Bowling this monday. Three cars full of people up to Heron City. I broke my own personal bowling record, 148 p!
That's right!
Tuesday I got to see the beautiful Hanin (onanabooboo) and hold her sweaty palm as she was suffering through a pain known to be worse than childbirth. Ready, up and away to Kista with Bams and my momy.
Yesterday I went up to Stockholm with Bamsi for a quicky (free interpretation ó_Ò), headed back home and had gorgeous Cafferine over for a slumberparty...
Only to wake up today, with way too little sleep and head back into Stockholm again for my interview at Telenor.
They're only hireing one person and we were quite the group there. So my expectations arn't flung up high but I can still keep my fingers crossed. By next friday we'll know...

So my friends kick ass. They're way better than your friends. By far.
And they keep making me feel so proud of them, all the time and I can't stop smiling!
I love you guys. x

Acke, thanks for helping me out, eventhough Telenor and Telia are competitors. ^^;
...And sorry for almost stealing your cellphone...
(Awsome plan tho', huh Cathrine? ;)

And Marre, simply thanks. Ment alot... x

Ever heard a fairy speak?

Has my eye always been this open?
My heart, my mind, my soul?

Whenever I look around my shoulder nowadays, there's always something there that I just absolutely love and adore. And it gives me this comfortable feeling, this extraordinary calm... Followed by an inner smile which doesn't really ever fade away, only getting warmer and stronger for every other experience.
Sometimes I feel almost as if I'm walking around, holding to a secret whispered into my ear by God, angels or little magical fairies...

As my new found appreciation for life has taken over my being, I've often wondered... Do other people also hold this secret? Or was it only told to me? And if so, why?
Am I alone in this glorious state of mind?

So I've been observing.
I've been looking around myself, trying to dig into the cores of my peers... Not giving the secret away, just trying to get a hint of what they know, if they know, and how they've chosen to handle it.
This has not only brought me to smile on the inside but also on the outside for what I've found out has really amazed me.

The secret wasn't only told to me.
It was told to the ones holding an open heart, meaning the people ready to see it, to feel it.
I've also learned that everyone holds this heart, though, depending on if you want to see or feel...
Whether you're ready for it or not. Whether you, at this point in your life, can open your ears up.
Depending on time, surroundings, feelings and emotions.

So, told to everyone... A secret nonetheless.
For it's ways cannot be revealed.
The only way to get in on it is to keep your heart, your mind and your soul open and wait for the whisper...
And when it comes... You'll know.

What a great weekend I've had!
I really don't even know where to start?

Friday, myself and Acke were invited over to our Princess Sofias newfoundlove's house for dinner. I recall it being quite an intreresting encounter. Some good wine, delicious food and conversations later, we were stuck by the boardgame Trivial Persuit for quite some time. Applause to the winners, Sowfie and Oscar.
They cheated. Naturally. How else would any pair of people beat me and Acke? Harrr... (;
Moving on, meeting up Cathrine at the trainstation and trying to get our fantastic evening started.
We danced a bit, met up with some people... And realized all the places were closed, we were off to a late start.
That's okay. Rerun.

Saturday, Cathrine and I wake up on my couch and do alot of nothings all day. As night time starts crawling up we meet Bams, Johani, Orre and their girls at a pub for some shots and drinks. Already doing pretty good.
Heading to the lokal hangout, the natural place to be. Good music and great people. Like always!
I made a norwegian friend, Ida! Haha, that was pretty random. Further on even more random meetings took place...
I wouldn't say meetings, rather than "hook-ups" but this is a public blog and I wouldn't want to invade on His and Her privacy.
But hey, give me a call and I'll fill you in! (;

After more and more drinks, food and a walk... We found ourselves up at Johanis place.
Chatted, laughed, talked shit, played guitar, sang, talked some more shit...
I thought, with this atmosphere, I wanted to try the "Sharing Game". So we did. And I was surprised to see it worked, even on this side of the Atlantic.
Didn't fall asleep until this morning after the sunrise and even later...

Thank you guys, all of you. This was such an awsome weekend!
To have You all as My friends is really really cool!

A special thanks to Cathrine. You never seize to surprise me with your good heart, loyalty and substance.
I've really missed having you around, I'm so glad you're back into my life. There's nobody like you.


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